LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

To rephrase the problem issue so people can understand it more clearly:

There are a considerable portion who steer or shout politics in bad faith as a cover for their intolerance.

This is independent of how many join a “side” for good reasons. The ones who are intolerant gather on one side specifically for the intolerance reason above.


I will even go as far to add in a certain orange haired buisness tycoon who ran and was president and is running again(they need to fix that law) that upon first try was standing on stage sporting an LGBTQ + flag in a attempt to gain our suport when he doesn’t support us at all in any way shape or form.

But sadly some in the community rallied behind him because of sporting our flag on stage.

Hence why everyone regarldess of community should 100% research candiates before putting their ticks in for them.


If by caves you mean in-game trade chat where every couple minutes there’s a gender slur used to casually put down others, then yea.

Quite a few people are dedicated to doing that and make throwaway bnet licenses just to freely do it with no consequences.

That’s just one of their caves…

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You shouldn’t judge someone based on their labels. It’s that simple. Would you want someone making assumptions about you based on your labels? Probably not.

I have lgbt family
I have lgbt neighbors
I have lgbt friends
Being in Orlando, I’ve gone to several lgbt events.
My guild is very progressive, diverse, and inclusive.
I’ve stood up for lgbt forum users.

But when someone finds out I’m a straight white conservative. They make a lot of assumptions without knowing anything about me.

It doesn’t bother me though, cause they don’t know me. They don’t know what I’m about.


This too and will use another example.

I grew up in a prominet Rep household even though mom later move to Dems and had dad do so with her. He was 100% against anyone lgbt +ecetera and everyone assumed my mom was too, when she was a suporter even when she was still a republican.

And then of course I grew up and came out as queer and trans , he had a fit til the day he died and made his thoughts well known about it,Mom though embraced me and the community. Alot of people we knew couldn’t understand that.

A lot of people have seen a number of “straight white conservatives” vote straight-ticket and lead to people being harmed. It’s not an indictment of you, especially if you actually vote your conscience.

It’s funny how the same people who don’t believe in science when it comes to things like evolution and global warming suddenly are all about believing in DNA.


My parents wrote in Batman this last time when voting… or was it Rambo? I don’t remember.

I don’t think they vote in local stuff (cause it always requires that straight ticket thing and they dislike that because it takes away the choice of picking) but the ones where they can pick they go vote.

Yeah it’s still just a shame that our society has doubled down on labels and assumptions.

Idc what you identify as or what labels you fall under, are you a good person? Do you have love in your heart? Or are you a hateful person?

The only way to find out is by actually talking to people and getting to know them.

It’s like if someone told me they are lgbt. Well that doesn’t tell me anything about if you’re a nice person or not. I can’t assume anything from that.

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… what… how is there straight-ticket only?

Straight as in straight party my goof. Like republican only dem only independent only tickets.

Like straight across the board answers. Like all answers are of 1 party.

Okay, no I figured that, but usually there’s the ability to individually vote based on office or question.

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Usually but some small towns for small town nominating still (apparently) do this which is silly.

Oh apparently in 2015 the state they were in got rid of that so now it’s pick and choose. Explains why they vote more often… anyway. lol

That is still only in the West though.

LGBTQ people have a hard life in Asia, don’t even get me started on the Middle East. Conservatists Islamists are dominated in that region. The dating apps are banned, the government does LGBT witch-hunts to root out anyone who may be in the closet and sentence them to death.

I think it was a couple years back, but I remember one of the Middle Eastern countries published a video of the government pushing gay people off cliffs and stoning them to death.

Like it’s not living in secret for these people, but they live in active fear every single day due to zealous religious beliefs.

America still needs progress, but these other countries need it more than us.

I feel bad for LGBT persons who was born into an Islamic family. Muslims can be very extreme; I mean honor killings are very common for that particular religion. I’m Asian myself but I knew many Muslim friends growing up, and their parents thinking was still stuck in the 1700s. The only reason my friends were open minded is because they grew up in America. If it was Afghanistan, Iraq, or Saudia Arabia. Best believe those friends I have would have been indoctrinated to believe the Islamic rhetoric.

I’m not saying there isn’t problems here too. But your Christian nations have it lucky compared to us. :sweat_smile:

Let’s… steer a bit clear of referring to Islam this way. I’m not Islamic, but I do know and work with a good few who have been exceedingly understanding with me. It all depends on the person, as to whether they are understanding of people in the LGBTQ+ community.

Don’t forget that in the case of any religion, it comes down to how it is taught as well.


Yes, but I am Indian, so I think I have a right to speak my mind regarding this. The only reason India hasn’t progressed for LGBT rights is because of Islam. Hinduism itself is actually very accepting as there is queer deities in the religion itself, the problem is that the 2nd majority religion in that nation are Muslims, and most of the backlash is coming from them. The way Westerners view Christians is that they are homophobes, it’s the total reverse in Asia. We actually think Christians are very open-minded.


I and many others may understand that on a narrower level, but the way it was said earlier can possibly be taken as critical/negative of Islam as a whole, and that could roll up against the Code of Conduct here. I just don’t want to see a well-meaning statement used against.


100% agreed, there are atheist/non-religious people who are homophobes as well, it definitely comes down to how we were raised and taught. Although, I have seen a couple of friends who had homophobic parents and they are allies, the reverse can happen too. It all depends on the type of person you are, not what organization you belong to.