LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

With all that aside, hopefully today is a better day. Today is what… Wednesday?

Yeah, Wednesday.

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Might have posted on the wrong thread, hope you guys can see this and offer me some advice on what to do.


Heyo! Just keep your head up and try to comfort him as best as you can. Explain to your job that you had a family emergency and be as transparent as possible with your job.

Most jobs understand if you have a family emergency on being absent. See if you can get any state side assistance (since he is living with you now, the household size went up) you all (depending on how much ya make etc) may be able to get stamps / medicare etc.

In regards to your parents, if you all don’t want to talk to them you all don’t have to. That’s your right. Just cause someone is blood don’t mean you gotta talk with em. I wish the best and hope all goes well.


I tend to follow something more strict: Just because they’re related by blood, does not mean they are truly family.

Yes we can.

Depending on where you are there may be resources you can take your brother to and or get in contact with.

As per example Outside In in Oregon and parts of Washington, Rainbow Youth Center in Houston TX.( not limited to those areas just examples) also Covenant House all online with resources. Covenant House in North America,Canada and Latin America.


Same thing almost. :stuck_out_tongue:

Talking to in this sense would be “associating” more than actual talking but I digress.


Feel free to repost here, as the thread was just 404’d (likely due to getting extremely bad - and I mean extremely bad).

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There was one guy in that post who said that there is only male and female and kept talking some bs on chromosomes. The topic was about being gay, not being transgender… are people really that stupid to not know the difference??

You can be trans and straight.

I was waiting for his response but it got 404’d before he could reply.


I posted this to your thread that got 404’d. It’s the resource page for Lambda Legal.
They provide help for youth 12-21 by state. I’ll put this here for you to look over.

It’s sad, I think the WoW community for the most part is accepting but dang those loud minority homophobes are adamant on their pursuit to religious zealousness. You don’t even see them on this thread but once an LGBT thread becomes its own separate thread, the homophobes come crawling out of the caves.


There’s a reason they’re not seen here, and that’s because moderation is usually able to remove their posts. It’s a well-moderated thread, but they still happen and sometimes it takes time.


Yes and they also don’t know that intersex folks exist too. It’s so crazy.


I’m just incredibly upset at the depth people went to in that thread… “Straight or not-right” is some messed-up stuff…


Forest Valkai on Youtube has a video called Sex and Sensibility.

He’s a biologist and he goes deep into how gender and sex work and it’s far more complicated than simply “man and woman.” Even at a molecular level.

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Ooh, thanks for the recommendation. Might check it laters!

I think a lot of people in the LGBT community don’t realize that not everyone on the far right is homophobic.

There is a youtuber called Blaire White who is a trangender woman that is a republican. While I don’t agree with everything the right has to say, there is definitely some valid points she makes.

At the end of the day, being a homophobe isn’t just a party system thing. Believe it or not, there are homophobic democrat people too.


There are, but… there’s a clear plot that can be made to show distribution. It’s not even close.


Oh we know, which is exactly why alot of us research before voting.

And for those that don’t do their research, you should.


Yeah happens a lot everywhere.
You are this so you must be that
It’s never good to think that way about anything.