LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Xanatos would be dope but Ray Chase did a fantastic job.

Yes, yes he did.

I can’t really recall other instances like Ray where he made folks swoon so much the devs were just “WELL I CANT KILL HIM NOW”

Denathrius was 'spose to die but they changed that. Which is a shame for only one thing. Him dying would have likely left a robot shell behind and that’d be a big cliffhanger. Kinda why him being absorbed by the sword not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite make sense but blizz was working with what they had XD. Been there.

Gargoyles, the next generation.

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I swear all I know about Star Trek was just me as a kid trying to learn more about behind the scenes stuff for Gargoyles. Since there’s a bunch of Trek actors in that show

This was before the internet tho so I didn’t have much luck lol

So many actors and actresses from TNG were in it and it was great. Frakes, Sirtis, McFadden was in fact said in error x.x, etc…

Spiner did Puck too.

Ye. Man that show spoiled me as a kid lol.

Villains were ruined for me just because they can never be Xanatos or Demona. I say that kinda jokingly of course.

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Hi furr! Long time no see!


I’ll echo it… but only partially jokingly as well.

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Thankfully I do have other fav villains

Wesker voicing Yoshikage Kira? SIGN ME THE HECK UP


Oh, that is awesome.

I am happy to say this since I’ve been playing since Beta…

Dragonflight Pathfinder is done!!!




Thank yous :slight_smile:
This patch seems to be my lucky one. Mass upgrades, mounts right and left.


Y’know what, just going to vent a second…

[insert vaguepost about the Vulpera thread’s contents and continued malicious stereotyping and outright abuse within it - and yes, of course a few of the posts within decided to go as far as hit at minorities too]

Guessing it’s the streamer one going around right now.

Personallly I think people need to grow up and get past the sterotyping over Vulpera.

Not all people who play them play them as most think they all do.

In reality we have had all kinds of furry races in the game from day one starting with Taruen,then moved to Worgen,Pandas,Dracs.

Not everything is sexualized because of what it is and the mentaility that it is just shows me people need to grow the you know what up.

I see a little Vulpera in game,it makes me happy to see our little furry comrades and I welcome them.

It’s a huge case of people making things into things they are not.

It’s the stereotyping, though. The constant allegations that one is at least willingly blind to the two really bad -philias that get associated (and I’m going to be honest, overstated) with the furry community. The “you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s all sexual even if you say it isn’t!” The hoops jumped through…

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That right there.

If people were so against such things then they shouldn’t be playing the other ones that have fur.

And funny enough I think the ones that complain the most about the subject are the same ones that want us to get the rabbit/human,cat/human hybrids like in FF they like to sexualize and then come here and act like having any here is somehow innapropriate.

… shhhh, I’m a viera main and it’s just because I love the ears okay?

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