LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

OH on a side note, I figured out partially some of the issue with my fursuit head with the jaw. I had the elastic too tight.


Oof. Easy fix I hope? Also boop!


Oh yeah easy fix. I cut the Elastic LOL


Happy 10.2 Day!!! In a few hours


Grumpy wolf noises

Me grumpy today.


Tosses the fuzzy one some chicken nuggies



Oh my goodness there’s actually a pic for it :slight_smile:


of course! :smiley:


Oh may goodness Emerald Dream is jsut as goergeous as I thought it would be.

Hope everyone sees it soon :slight_smile:

After I joked / mocked Blizz’s past attempts at writing trauma ( or lack thereof ) , it was a treat to see Anduin just going THROUGH IT

They’re trying. I can’t knock them for trying. I wanna see more of that.

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Meanwhile I gotta plan out what Rosenivy’s story is gonna be for this new series of expansions

Context: He had his memories of the shadowlands stored in Bastion. Because I did NOT like the idea of people just knowing how the rules with death are. Like “oh just do this and you’ll go somewhere like this”.

Poor dude was in love with Draven as they were soulbound. So during the post Shadowlands time skip he was basically drinking because he felt heartbroken and had no idea why.

Dragonflight has basically been him getting sober ( he kinda had the alcoholism blasted out of him by multiple healers. It was not fun ) and relaxing.

So now I’m picturing post Dragonflight is him feeling tears go down his face because suddenly he remembers. And there’s just this dread because its like “Something is wrong if Pelagos made me remember”.

The lil rule I had for him was if anything reminded him of Shadowlands, he’d get a sharp pain in his head. Since the brains trying to work with something that isn’t there. Like a VHS tape that had some stuff hacked out of it.

So if Anduin is gonna be around. Rosenivy’s gonna need his memories or he’ll be useless and crippled by a constant splitting migraine. ( He had to sit out the Ysera stuff mostly for that reason. He was given a very small amount of his memories afterwards just so he could help the green dragons in the future )

… was this now-deleted post in good faith or not? I only saw the notice of reply but it was deleted by the time I saw it.

No idea. Let’s just think of it as a glass half full and think of it as a positive reply in hopes that it was.

Hope your day is going well!


It’ll go better after caffeine…

Oop hows everyone

I’ll let you know as soon as people stop using vulpera as the nearest, most convenient way to hate on other groups. Not here, but… yeah.

I really like this idea!

Yeah they were both awkward but sweet in their own way.

And I got to pretty much do ALL the Gargoyles references which made me happy

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… Blizz really missed a chance at having the big bad of Revendreth voiced by Jonathan Frakes. Then we could’ve said that Xanatos planned that expansion!