LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Yee that’s me. Yeah there’s a few trolls in there but it’s funny cause it gets shut down pretty quick.

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I thought I saw you mention the thread was shut down for a sec. I must have missed that one. Glad it was restored though and glad to see honestly that someone from our community that’s trusted was the poster .

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lol ya it got flagged but it was restored.

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I still don’t get why it was flagged. I recall mention of that ,don’t remember how far back in it lol

But your initial post was tame,not blatant.

Some people have a flag happy finger apparently

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Because they thought it was inappropriate to discuss ladys having beards I guess?

Who knows. There was a few “woke” and “pander” posts in there and it’s like…

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I remember when that commercial was on the air :slight_smile:

I think one of my comments was in regards to it being “woke”

I can’t wait to have my Horde beared fem dwarf.

Kinds gives mroe of a connected personal feel to me since haven’t has top surgery yet and I like that.

I’m always more apt to play a character if it has little things like that,that I can relate to on a level.

And speaking of which my beard is starting to pop more and more the last few months and even hapier to have a furry belly now lol

For George of the Jungle? I think that’s where that’s from.

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anyway fuzzbutt i saw the bearded dwarf ladies and just pictured your vulpera avatar going “LETS HECKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” like they’re turning super saiyan XD


I wanted to know why earthen were so special. What about Dark Irons!

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Hopefully they add them in to all the dwarves later on.

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Could be a test run.

That was my guess anyway

Cuz remember blood elf men didn’t get more facial hair options until the void elves had it for awhile

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Fair. I heard that in alpha they were planned to have them but idk how true that is or not but hey… better late than never.

Just reminds me of how male blood elves didn’t get some of the void elf beard options until a little later

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So I totally didn’t know season two of Heaven Official Blessing was out. I’m a little way through the book and I can’t suggest it enough if you like BL. If anyone has any recommendations please send them my way, doesn’t have to be historical.

I really like this representation and how the author handles it. I really hope we get something similar in WoW.

The tone is so…subtle. It’s cute, but very slow burn.

I know blizzard won’t do Anduin and wrathion like this…but. :grin:

I’m just happy with the direction they’re taking Anduin. As a person that’s seen loss and pain to the degree he has, it’s a wonder he hadn’t shown PTSD to this degree earlier.

Is this a bait post?

Um, no this is the megathread.

LGBTQ+ folk hang in here and talk about stuffs.


I think they did a good job making him hold it together for his people.

But now it’s just too much and he seems broken. Here’s hoping we or others can help piece him back together.

Wow seems to do a good job with trauma and how it affects characters. Which at time sucks because it seems very rare we get fun/happy moments for some of these characters.

So many of them you just want to see them happy, but Blizzard keeps kicking in the door and punching them in the gut.

One of my favorites is Moira. She had a very beautiful story from the get go. Ran away from home because Magni was extremely sexist. Found love with an enemy and returns home. Then gets removed from power due to using the same “hardness” her father used.

They had a beautiful comic with her and magni. She speaks to him and he apologies for the way her treats her.

I hope we get something like that with Anduin (tying it back to him). He’s still finding his path in Azeroth like Moira has finally found her.

I can’t wait to see where he goes and hope he’s able to win against the demons he’s fighting.


No, this thread and most of its posts are in good faith.