LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

That uh…

I’ll just flat out say it. That’s inappropriate.

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It was a comment made in jest. If someone is asking your marital status. That’s a bit strange.

But many people will say they’re in a relationship to a stranger even if they’re not. Unless they’re good looking. Then they’re single.

Again, not sure how my comment was inappropriate when folks don’t reveal their relationship to strangers unless they’re attracted to them and interested.

The person who made the comment clearly attacked my stances - suggesting I was censorious - and then made the “Are you married?” comment at the end. There was no jest.

In this context, your own comment is in poor taste.


To me, the reason it appeared inappropriate was due to it sounding… off?

That too

Why don’t we recount the reasons it was creepy for that person in the 404’d thread to have brought up that question:

  • It had no direct bearing to the conversation going on in that thread
  • It immediately followed criticism and ad-hominem statements directed at me
  • When challenged to why it was appropriate, the poster ignored it and kept on with what they were doing in the thread - which was mostly again just trolling and baiting

Now let’s go over why your comments weren’t very comfy:

  • You proceeded to speak for that person, and speak over how I felt

I’m trolling and baiting? I come to this thread because it’s an LGBT safe space and I post relevant stuff relating to LGBT representation in WoW.

I made a comment to one of your comments without reading further into the thread. So apologies for that. But it was a comment made in jest to your one comment because I thought it was funny someone asked your marital status. Then further in you provided context.

But to accuse me of trolling and baiting?

The first three bullet points are about the person who made the comment in the first place. Only the last one in the entire post is directed at you.

I’ve since edited it to be explicitly clear as to which bullet points refer to who.

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I have since gone back and reread your posts to this thread. I came across the post and replied directly to it.

I misread the post and assumed this was something that happened to you outside, not on the forums because that’s very weird to ask someone’s relationship status on the forums.

Someone else made a comment in jest which you liked, "Shoulda asked how much they made, if it’s high enough then you’ll answer

Get that bag"

So, I’m just confused as to why my comment in jest is speaking over how you felt, and the other comment wasn’t.

Yours was the only one that was in response to how I felt regarding it. That’s it.

The comment suggesting you ask the person how much money they made didn’t disregard your feelings? They just said “hey if they’re rich enough, let it slide.”.

You know what, just stop. This is making me incredibly uncomfortable right now, and all I see you trying to do is poke holes in how I felt regarding having that question asked of me unprompted.

Ok, I’ll just read the entire thread next time to try and get a better context instead of just replying to a single comment I found funny. (I still think it’s funny that people are asking relationship status on the forums lol).

Also, on an unrelated note, upon reading further into the thread, I saw you’re in a poly relationship. And speaking of poly relationships!!!

What a wonderful thing it would be if Blizzard grew a backbone and had a poly relationship in game (I’ve made this comment before). I’d vote for Thylssra, Lor’themar and Liandrin. I have zero idea about the innerworkings of poly relationships (my only exposure is the romance books on Amazon with like one lady and seven super beefy guys lol which I imagine isn’t the best representation), but I think it’d be cool for the writers to explore and showcase that representation.

Honestly… tough sell on this one, given poly can exist in any number of forms, and it’d need to be portrayed at least in one of those forms faithfully and without stereotype.

I’ll be honest, I’m very ignorant with regards to the relationship dynamics of poly relationships. Are you saying the werewolf pack romances on Amazon with seven super-hot beefy guys isn’t faithfully portraying the relationships?


But on a serious note, how can they accurately do it?

I mean the werewolf stuff can work but you ain’t looking in the right spot. Archive of Our Own has oodles of that stuff with a specific genre I can’t quite fully go into detail here. Its the stories with a alpha / beta / and or Omega characters. Some of those are great.

Poly stuff sadly runs the risk of someone wiggling into it all “hur hur Imma just cheat and get away with it by saying we’re poly” yeah no. That ain’t it fam.

I’m sure amazon might have that a / b / o stuff but heck with archive of our own you ain’t gotta pay for it

I see AO3 has been invoked! <3

AO3? What’s that?

Can I eat it?

Still annoyed ( but understanding ) that one fic I really like hasn’t been updated in like a year.

The author got a new boyfriend so I get it. She’s happy.

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It’s what Rosen mentioned earlier, An Archive of Our Own, I’ve only seen the name mentioned around, think it’s something like a fanfic archive

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Oh I see got ya.