LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I do but I gotta figure out how to convert them to share lol.

Mines a blue and silver grey shiba with some dark grey accents. Leaving his ears long pile fluffy. And a curly tail haha. I definitely will post some pictures soon as I can convert them.


if you put a ` before and after a link you can share it and IMGUR or IMGR (I forget how it’s spelled) is a good place to put them.

It will look like that when formatted right.

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Then I can finally post mine!

Stupid trust levelses.



Oh very nice! :slight_smile:


sylvian inspired?


Sylveon is best. Fite me :heart:

One thousand percent yes.


Oh I ain’t fighting ya on that LOL it looks good :slight_smile:


Ugh I’m so mad I don’t remember everything about being a teeny little baby. I wish I had a perfect memory, even though I would remember the bad things, at least I could live my favorite parts again. Boo time and human limitations >:( Part of me wants to go back but I know I’m supposed to experience stuff here without remembering any other phase of reality because this way I’m fully invested in this one. Why haven’t I figured out segmented perfect memory yet? Everyone let’s put our energy together and figure out segmented perfect memory.


My memory sometimes is too good and I remember things I shouldn’t.

Now the things I need to remember
 nope I don’t LOL it’s like “aaaaah”


In the next one, here’s what I’m changing.

  1. Gravity basically half as strong or less, I want to be bouncier.
  2. Perfect memory especially from teeny little baby moments.
  3. Ability to slow down and pause time individually to process
  4. Selective deafness, ability to filter out specific sounds/noise pollution
  5. The ability to eat a book and learn/experience everything in it perfectly. Books should be chocolate or other delicious flavors and have the texture of wafers.
  6. The tide should be the same throughout the day and years, the exact same height, and 700% more islands with the ability to walk over oceans.
  7. Teleporting instead of long commutes. Just think of where you want to go, disable ballet mode and tap your feet together three times, and you’ll be there. Or blink three times with flirting mode disabled.
  8. More (I’m not restricting myself yet but send this UP for now)

My s/o says I have that one already.



I think we all eventually have that said about ourselves at some point.

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Ugh I’ll have to figure it out at home after work xP drat


All good. :slight_smile:

Which color are you about to run out of btw?


I think it’s called slate teal. It’s a very nice blue color. That and I think it’s a charcoal dark grey.

I need to implement some minky into my faces. I’ve seen some that look so good. Mines cheek fluff seems a bit uneven after the clippers.

I’m debating on if I should just do plantigrade to play safe on material because digi will take a bit more for sure.


Got ya. I would do the main “meat and taters” first and any accessory pieces hold off on until you get more material.

Reason I say that is if you have a partial til you get the whole thing made, a partial is better than nothing if it’s for Halloween.

Make sure your clippers are at an angle and go off swiftly in order to create that gradient clip.

Also floof your fur before clipping :slight_smile:

Ya I would do planti. :slight_smile:

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True. Was thinking of just making arm and leg sleeves til I can do more after. It’s a lot cooler for sure. XD

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Oh yeah for sure. It would also give you time to research where to get the matching fur etc :slight_smile:

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Google Photos
Google Photos
Google Photos
Google Photos

Forgot phone can just convert

No tail pic though ATM. Lol