LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

The mass deleted posts, wonder if he realizes mods can still see them and 100% take action still lmao


Haha yeppers. :slight_smile:

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Before the derail y’all were talking about people asking about your marital status.

Personally I wouldn’t consider that as being invasive or nosy, I think for a lot of people it’s just a default small talk starter.

It’s just such a common thing to ask, I wouldn’t equate it to malice.

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In the reference it came up, it was at the tag-end of someone trying to troll my point. That thread went poof though. Hint: It followed someone complaining about frozen peaches.


Also cuz I’ve mentioned this to basically everyone else I know

I finally found a good Beetles song, “Its okay to leave a dog in a hot car”

Absolute banger, who knew they had a good song

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I hope all’s well with the kitty. I went by Petco a bit back and they had some cats that looked so sad. And some ferrets.

I wanted them all so bad but my house owner I rent from don’t allow fur babies. Dx it’s criminal!


Kitties are doing good and I know they always look like the “take me home take me home take me home” kind of deal lol


cant do fur babies, what about feather or scales? :smiley: I have parrots, they are amazing pets!

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Boop noodle!

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True yeah I missed the context then.

I interact with a lot of older customers and get asked the standard, when are you getting married, when are you having kids, like allllllll the time. I think majority of the time they just want someone to talk to though.


Yeah, there’s a time and a place where you can tell it’s well-meaning. And then there are some times where you just know they’re about to dig into you.


Ah yeah I think in that context it’s them trying to initiate idle banter.

I get further with weather though than that.

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Ugh I just hoped on to say hello all. Got lost in the troll. Hope all’s well!
Back to working on my fursuit got the hands and sock paw feet done now to do the body and pray I got enough faux fur because otherwise I’m gonna need to panic hunt down some more in a similar color that I can’t even remember the name.


Oooooooh! What kinda suit?

also watches as a few other ears perk up at the suit mention

Oh? Ya got any pictures?

Also what is your sona? :smiley:

You may be able to find some at JoAnns if you have one nearby they have a lot of different types.

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This is now officially a sona thread.


MInes a dragon sona :smiley:


Mine is a werewolf. :stuck_out_tongue: