LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Uhoh, looks like the snowflakes found the thread


Reminder, folks!

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual/romantic orientation or gender identity/expression (male, female, trans-gender, bi-gender, pangender, genderfluid, agender or any non-binary identity not listed) pertaining to themselves or other players

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be temporarily banned from the forums
  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums

Lawl right?

This one is easy answer, every time one comes up people can’t behave themselves in it and say things they shouldn’t, post things they shouldn’t on the forums and so on and so on, don’t play the ignorance card when literally you are more than likely part of the problem.

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Oh they are aware and they don’t care and are posting anyway.

Oh I know
 but can’t hurt.

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Fair enough lol

Imagine being as hateful as you are instead of you know
 playing the game 412 ilevel dwarf.

Imagine being so toxic that your posts get greyed out in a matter of seconds because you have such trash thoughts and opinions.


Well he’s talking to himself now, guess he forgot to alt hop

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I’m curious, is there psychiatric documentation to support your diagnosis?

Lawl bad at trolling with a low ilevel (meaning they don’t play the game all that much).


So far we’ve gotten, to recap:

  • We’re an affront to God
  • We’re mentally ill
  • We’re cringe

All of these are exactly why we stick together in threads like this, as well as welcoming communities. Because the hatred is in fact real, and it’s being actively spread here. It is counter to Blizzard’s own stated policies, which you agree to simply by signing in and using the forums.


I have yet to see you say anything truthful thus far just a bunch of stuff that comes from a place of hate and discrimination, nothing that’s actually based in facts or factual in any way shape or form.


Your uneducated opinion isn’t truth no matter how lacking in information you are. You’re just being a jerk.

Maybe spout actual truth. Otherwise the only one you’re hurting is yourself as you make a fool of yourself.

Coming into a place just to be a toxic abuser spouting on disproven old world view is pathetic.


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Lol, as someone that put in the minimal effort to get this one to 424 ilvl for reals, how do you not at least make 424 ilvl when it’s super easy and that’s while working full time, spending time with my better half and everything else in my life so it’s like there’s really no excuse.


Right? Like, doing stuff in the world and crafted items gives stuff.

It’s probably someone’s alt.


And now they delete their bigoted views of “truth” and run away.

Least be a man and stick to your hate if you’re gonna show it to all. Spineless people. Ah well he will be in timeout soon regardless.


Tempting myself to make an ingame community related to this megathread because why not, we could use another nice place.

Deletion matters not once flagged, anyway. The moderation staff doesn’t see it as “take-backsies.”