LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

It wouldn’t be the normal if people weren’t always consumed in your business, my business, anyone else’s business except literally their own business honestly since that’s just how it’s been for a long time now which while annoying is again the so called normal.


I mean… I’ve got plans, but not as part of a wedding dangit. I want to get a ring that symbolizes all the partners in my poly relationship.




I am so sorry you had to deal with that nonsense

Oh I know right it’s like “shoo”

Right? I feel ya on that one. I have bigger fingers too. Could ask if you can get one and how much it would cost to resize it.

ikr? I’m surprised I get asked that much or it comes up in conversation. LOL


Seriously, I get grilled about so much of my life on literally a daily basis by some people it’s beyond cringe level but it’s again considered the normal because everyone is so consumed by worrying about everyone else’s lives and business instead of worrying about themselves and their business and it’s like realistically we’d all be in a much better place, get along much better, etc. if people would literally worry about themselves and their lives instead of everyone else’s.



Like it’s really anyone’s business anyway.Then people gotta get icky about it.

It’s like when I first started hanging out with the gal across the hall a couple months ago(now don’t get me wrong we are friends) but I hadn’t said anything about well you know being trans or anything and just as casually as thin air just loooks right at me and asks, " So how much do you still need done" guesturing from head to toe on me, I was honest, waiting for chest. But felt really weird but also I think the way I was okay with it is because she was asking a genuine question becuase she had already clocked me as male as has another newer neighbor who are both just great.

But yeah those kin of things can either be in an icky way or surprise us and it not be.

It’s definately one of those weighted things on how it can and be taken cuz sometime we just don’t wanna explain anything about rings on fingers or otherwise .


That name is cringe

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If you don’t like it you can /shoo

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I already blocked, not even dealing with someone with that name,sure could be class related but still, no

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Here we go, they’re here to cause problems.

No one asked you so you added your utterly useless opinion when no one even asked you.


I’m intersex. I was made the way I was made.

If you got an issue with it, take it up with the man up stairs.

Good… shoo. Go on… get!


Religious sleight, mental illness… what’s next? Who’s got closest to BINGO?

I’m just not in a mood today for it.

My wake up was a power outage before coffee…Not cool

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You should know, it’s showing right now with your hate, discrimination and pointless opinions on topics when no one asked you.

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Oooof. That sucks bad…

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Oh yeah I need to yank out the bingo card.

Oh no

It was breif but still,

Worst part I was in br

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Oh goody, it’s a TEAM EFFORT!

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Golly gee batman I wonder who this is that said “I’m out” earlier.

Ya’ll just find this thread and go “lets go troll this”