LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)


He got arrested with a DWI and they found Poppers and Truvada in his system among the illegal drugs.

Twitter is being
 interesting about their reactions.

I already have no patience for drunk drivers. This is so pathetic.


Nothing wrong about this, it’s a prescription that many people should have access to (PrEP), but everything else? Yikes.

Oh, I agree. It’s more the homophobes coming out of the windworks claiming it’s proof he’s gay.

Just a very interesting reaction in general.

I have seen very little outrage over the fact he was driving under the influence, whereas 99% of the reaction has been “Omg is he in the closet”

 what is wrong with people?

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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah after my cousin almost died to a drunk driver I’m instantly focusing on that over whatever he had in the car.

If he was just out having fun? Cool. But I hate rich people that ignore the rules.


I have very low tolerance of drunk drivers as well.


I read that those were fake claims from a parody account, I could be wrong ?

why would the knowledge of this be made to the public tho? o.o

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ahh, this hits a little close to home. my experience has been that nothing ever good comes with alcohol. it reminds me of this huge argument i had with my mom, and i remember telling her in the most vile and corrosive way that i could to stay home.

people will do so as they please. but if you’re gonna ask me, my answer’s always the same. Don’t drink.

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I’m the same way.

The car I was in at 19 was rear ended by a drunk driver in a construction zone.

Emts showed up and did the field neck test on me(because we said we heard something like glass from behind) and I dropped to me knees immediately.

They rushed me to the hospital in town and kept me for several hours until I was released to friends who took care of me. I was down for weeks.

I am now 52 years old and have 5 perma displaced vertebrae because of it.

The driver who was drinking was going 25 mph and now I have a perma injury because of someone’s drinking and driving.

Not fun being told at 19 that if you get in another car accident you’ll be gone. I really can’t feel bad for anyone famous or not who gets behind a wheel intoxicated.


I can’t with this, im sorry,

does anyone remember the rainbow monkeys from kids next door? those were the good days.

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They were indeed. But multiple reliable news sites posted about it.

This is why allowing parody accounts to be verified by simply paying was and will forever be the dumbest decision social media companies made.

Cause they see verified and go "Oh, I can trust it, time to make an article on insert news site that actually IS normally reliable


Lil music break before I go back to Monster Hunter

I still know just teeny tidbits of Guilty Gear. But I dig this dude just on vibes alone

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Another Fate anime song that is used as a character theme.

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“Why did you shave your beard? You look so much better and nicer with it!”

I dunno, maybe because it’s 90 degrees in my room, and my room is the coolest place in the house? You ever have a beard in a 90 degree room 24/7?

Also, for monster hunter fans, does it go on sale often? Like, should I be putting the $20 on my credit card to get it while it’s on sale? Lol.

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I think Rise and World have sales semiregularly. I know I bought World when it was on sale years back.

Remember when the world is giving you bs, just start jamming out.


For the longest time, I thought when people said poppers, they were referring to those little toys that shoot out confetti

So when people say they’re going to do poppers I’m thinking they’re going to get together and have a streamer/confetti extravaganza.


Rise and Sunbreak should still be on sale right now actually. You can get both for 20 bucks. That’s a steal.

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