LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Not a big fan of eel myself, but cool that it was something you enjoyed! :dracthyr_heart:


I was gonna ask for the recipe but I noticed you edited and shared it already so thanks for the recipe share my dear. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


You are welcome! :smiley:

Very easy to cook and if you wanna a spin add jalapenos and cheese :smiley:


Iā€™ve made those beforeā€¦ though mine had a lot more pepperoniā€¦ and I didnā€™t know anyone actually had claimed them before. I was just working with my ingredients and I was going for a more stuffed breadstick style set up.


Itā€™s all good and yeah itā€™s a big thing around here for whatever reason.

Almost all the gas stations have em too.


For a handful of years I lived in a unit that was above a handful of commercial shops, with one being a Mexican restaurant. The owners were a couple from El Salvador. And, they served a small section of Salvadorian food as well as the standard American-style Mexican restaurant fair. I ended up loving pupusas and curtido, and still very occassionally make each myself.

Iā€™ve made pepperoni rolls quite a few times, since I learned of them (before we started talkingā€¦I saw a youtube video on them I believe). I first tried them using a baguette recipe that I wanted to try my hand at, and did that a few times. But, I eventually switched to just using the pizza crust recipe Iā€™ve been using for two decades-ish. Like Nightsong, I use a good bit of pepperoni. I use full-moisture mozz plus some provolone and parmesan and sprinkling of that ā€œpizza topperā€ mix I sent you a picture of that you probably forgot about. I add ancho chili powder and banana peppers too. But, I havenā€™t made any pepperoni rolls (I also used to do genoa salami+pepperonni+ham too like this) for maybe 2 years or soā€¦because I switched instead to using the pre-make pepperidge farm puff pastry instead of baking this into a rolled/multi-folded pizza doughā€¦omg they are greasy and lovely. :heart_eyes_cat:


that sounds absolutely amazing.

home made food really is the best.

Ok, I found the cabbage roll recipe I tried. Seems these ones are Polish :smile:

Oooh that looks great. Iā€™m always looking for new recipes to try so Iā€™ll def give these a shot. If anyone has any recipe suggestions let me know. I love to both bake and cook. (Iā€™m not the best at it but itā€™s fun. Usually my baking is a little better than my cooking tho :sweat_smile: )


This reminded me, I still need that rainbow toyā€¦must get it before June ends.

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Maybe i should make a remix warlock too!


heh, we could do an all lock party, I do have a tiny NB lock on remix now


a remix paladin would be the most fun, ret in remix is absolutely insane lol

your fel game is strong


Ugh, had the worse day at the shops. Was supposed to be a time for me and my partner to spend time together before we take a 900km road trip south to Melbourne tonight, but turned out to be an absolute nightmare.

Basically, before we ended up looking at a few of the shops, we ended up stopping by the food court, and grabbing something to eat. We went to sit at this table that was free when we got our food, and as soon as we sit down, this person came up to us and told us we werenā€™t allowed to sit at this table because of the colours of our skin. I straight up and said to him, we see no rules on who can sit where, and he started getting a little aggressive towards us. Luckily, security were nearby, and the security ended helping us, and trying to move the man on. He moves on, or so we thought.

A couple hours go by, and that same guy came to us, and started attacking both me and my partner aggressively. Like, things got way out of hand. I donā€™t fully remember what happened next, but now I got a black eye and a few bruises, my partner ended up having to go to hospital because he ended up getting a split cut on his forehead.

Like my god, we both did nothing wrong because this one person didnā€™t like that we chose to sit a table with a made up rule. My partner is still in hospital at the moment, though he is going to be alright, meanwhile Iā€™m at home, now too scared to even leave the house. And as for our trip down to Melbourne, we have to cancel that due to my partner wonā€™t be able to drive, and his car is a manual so I donā€™t even know how to drive that, and I am too scared now to even use public transport to travel interstate.


I am so blighted sorry that happened to you.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you and your partner the best recovery possible.

May both of your days be many and filled with the happiness you need.



Thatā€™s horrible! I hope you both heal quickly! Iā€™d be really shaken up by it too!


I am so sorry! I am hoping for a speedy recovery for you both. This is awful! :frowning_face:


i was thinking on what may be some good names for bearded lady dwarfs


Thank you for the kind hearted messages. Like, I never ever though there would ever be a day that this sort of thing would ever happened. Like, I just donā€™t even know how to cope anymore thinking something like this could happen again. It is deeply terrifying, heartbreaking, and for the both of us to have to be put through something like this, like, I justā€¦ Ugh, I wish I could turn back the clock and start the day all over so I know where not to go.

Well, Iā€™m going to arrange for a cab to take me to the hospital, so I can check up on my man. Like, I havenā€™t heard from the hospital, and Iā€™m getting deeply worried about him. I just hope it is really nothing too serious or he has to spend the night at the hospital. I am nervous about going out, but going to need to go out if wanting to check up and see him.


Please be safe and keep us up to date.