LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I am so looking forward to this.


Iā€™m gonna assume I got a new hat and didnā€™t mog it and Iā€™ve only really been doing remix, and before that I had like a month and a half I was too out of it to wow


Wow, that is quite a beautiful Labrador. So well groomed, that is what people mean when they got a real, pure, good boy.

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Yeah, plus, iā€™m not even talking to others. Just with you.

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We all really need to get together and do something in remix together again it was a lot of fun last time honestly. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


I would but still a bit too warm even with AC. Iā€™ll save that for fall / winter


Itā€™s all good!


I pushed Super hard at Remix. Got 7 alts to 70. Now taking a small break before I go back. Living off of that Monster Hunter Hype.


Makes sense

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My coworkers recommended I take some kind of lactaid pill (forgot what it was called) that makes it to where you can eat cheesy milky creamy foods without issue but I just wasnt willing to risk it. being me was already hard enough as is lol

I tried the lactaid milk but I hated that it tasted noticably sweeter and I donā€™t think it really helped that much. so then i switched to almond milk but the great value walmart brand has this weird after taste I never really liked either. but when I was making coffee I found the perfect substitute (for me)

Califa oat milk. Its basically just oat milk with a gum based stabilizer that works better for baking / steaming & frothing. And itā€™s got a pretty decent neutral flavor to it, not sweet, kinda just tastes like regular milk.

Its more expensive, though. Of course it is lol


Itā€™s fine, they see us as trolls now. Letā€™s roll trolls characters together, I guess. Can it be Zandalari at least?

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I need to log back in sometime, Iā€™m one heroic away from that achievement, and should work on the H scenarios too


I already have Zandalari lol.

Now all i have to do is remember the name of it, because i pick the worst names possible to self torture my millennial brain. :dizzy_face:

Edit: There we go!

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Itā€™s actually really simple to make if you have a blender! :smiley:


You totally should, I could hold your hand, I have 4 Remix Warlocks that could totally hang and do stuff together with you. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

Edit - sounds way funny Remix Warlocks, lolz.


Oh thatā€™s cool, I could try that :two_hearts:

A long time ago I tried to make my own strawberry almond milk. the recepie i found online was a lil convoluted and soaking the almonds took a lot of time and space.

I think oat milk is just better.


Ainā€™t he cute. Iā€™ll make him a boyfriend!

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You can soak the oats for 8 hours and be best to put them in the fridge before bed time so they are already soaked when ya wake up.

But thatā€™s if you want more from the oats but thatā€™s up to you :smiley:


Heā€™s already got a wife in my friendā€™s RP. :no_mouth:

Infact, iā€™m generally kind of reserved in general. Mostly.

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Oh ok, then itā€™ll be a troll friend. That should work!

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