LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

what is your favorite part of baldur’s gate?

really? i thought diablo 4 was a lot of fun. it was really well designed and the game play is just magnificent!

I may try B3 again. Idk the combat was very confusing. I’m used to turn based RPG point and click with fallout 1 and 2. It’s just… idk too many spells and stuff.


baldur’s gate was a really good game, i enjoyed it alot.

if you want, i would be more than happy to provide some tips on how to improve on the baldur’s gate combat system. i think you will start to understand it with some help.

have a lovely day!

I enjoy DnD so BG3 isn’t too hard for me to get used to, but people who haven’t played something like that might be overwhelmed or a little confused.

I could also just spend hours( and often do) just customizing my characters. I really wish WoW had that level of customization. I have made a few of my WoW characters which has been fun!

I’m also weird, in WoW I play elves, but in BG3 I play basically only tieflings… I have a problem I know haha


What people forget is our values and laws are mostly Judaea / Christian. It’s hard to believe, but religion, whether you believe or not plays a huge part in our lives. I’m not preaching at you or saying anything about you believing. That is totally up to you, as it is for all my friends. That doesn’t change the way I feel.

My faith is something new to me. I have been going through a lot lately and have turned to faith. I’m also getting older. I wasn’t raised religious. This is something I am learning about and doing on my own. I’m finding a lot peace and calmness in it. There is a lot in the bible that helps me through times that when things are tough. I read and it helps me.

I will never preach. I will never turn someone away because they believe something different. I will never turn someone away because they are different. I enjoy that part of humanity. I find it fitting that the LGBTQ+ flag is a rainbow, because it celebrates and acknowledges our differences. We are all a rainbow, even if we aren’t LGBTQ+. Imagine if we weren’t? How boring life would be? I couldn’t bear it if we were so similar or the same.

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Speaking of those kinda games, the first two Baldur’s Gate games are on the same engine as fallout or at least a similar one.

For other dnd based games of the era, the people who did fallout 1/2 also made the Icewind Dale games and Planescape: Torment (up there with the fallouts in being looked at as a massively good game)

And non-dnd but some of the fallout people, there’s Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (I will note, unless things have been patched, set it for turn based combat as when I played it at release the realtime ran REALLY fast) It’s a steampunk based game where you can go either magic or tech (as you get more powerful in one it prevents you from using more and more of the other)


I think my main take away between fallout 1 / 2 and baulders gate is fallout it’s you get gun you use gun with you choosing where to use it.

Like it’s very simplistic and straight forward. Baulder’s gate there’s different classes and builds and companions (which I usually leave behind or kill off) and idk… it’s just a lot.


This made me think of Ostentatia, who has a minor background element of being a dwarven teen who is shaving her beard. It’s a minor, in so far as the plot is concerned, element of the plot but it is a point of conflict with her grandma who is very traditional and doesn’t believe in shaving beards.


Oh interesting I’ve never heard of this game before.


with this post, I’ll say of the games listed you might wanna start with Planescape, forget on Arcanum, but the others do have you making a party of dnd characters, planescape has a set protaganist, and companions you can pick up (and the protag is immortal so occasionally if you pick off more than you can chew you can end up some place new)


It’s actually a streaming show. Dimension 20, it’s basically another Critical Roll.

Each “season” is a different setting, a few circle back.


My first intro to Brennen’s dm style was Critical Roles Calamity special.

OOOO BOY was that a fantastic first taste. The way he plays Asmodeus is chefs kiss

Edit: Lou too. He’s hilarious


I feel bad because I accidentally slept in so Peach was stuck in her crate for 3 extra hours.

Cue emergency cuddles


I’m here,I’m queer,andI’m chroncially ill. I used to be such a forum regular but more aloof now days. I do check in from time-to-time


i definitely would second that, Planescape is an absolute blast! tons of fun, i absolutely love it.

you will be very happy to try it :slight_smile:

That is a good perspective to have. The big thing that I took with me after I stopped going to church is that the most impartant thing about the teachings of Jesus is loving one another. I’m glad you’ve been able to find calmness and peace.

I’ve meet some good Christians with a good perspective about accepting others who can be seen as different over the years. One of those Christians told me that God loves us unconditionally, so we need do our best to do the same for those around us. It doesn’t matter what skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc. you are, God loves us all the same. Some Christian denominations are accepting or affirming and others (like the one I was raised in) are not. If I ever do go back, it’ll be with an affirming denomination.

The way I see religion now, it’s a matter of asking myself whether or not it’s helping me become a better person. If it helps, great. If not that’s fine too and I’ll find other ways to spend my time.


yes that is a very good thing.

Will you stop trying to insert yourself into everyone’s conversation? Geez.


I am happy for places like these<3

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