LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)


Cant wait til War Within to make my bearded lady dwarf <3


I just wanted to chip in and talk about Sikhism. Itā€™s a religious tradition I respect quite a lot, despite not actually having met a Sikh in person.

During my teen years, I started to study all sorts of different religuous traditions. Iā€™m from a Muslim background, and well, things were hard for me around that time, both religion-wise, which affected my relationship with my parents, and academically. I took the opportunity to study other faiths.

Sikhism is the most recent of the major Dharmic religions (I hope thatā€™s right). During the time it was founded, India was ruled by a muslim empire called the Mughals. Yes, it sounds similar to ā€œMongol.ā€ The rulera were descendants of Ghenghis Khan. As far as I can tell, the legacy of the Mughal treatment of Non-muslim Indians is the cause of tensions in India today. Iā€™ll leave that.

Anyway, they killed some Sikh gurus and their family members in brutal ways, but Sikhs were able to fight back on other occasions. The ways the Gurus were killed, and their friends were killed, including the boiling aluve of Bhai Dayala, arenā€™t sanctioned by Islam, but were just acts of Mughal brutality.

Anyway, itā€™s ironic that after 9/11, some Sikhs were attacked for being confused with Muslims, despite the history of their religion. Really shows some peopleā€™s ignorance.

Not an expert either. Just what little I know lol.


Letā€™s be honest, their gonna pull another 2016 No Man Sky with this one. I donā€™t have my hopes high for this.

I havenā€™t played Diablo 4 at all. I tried 3 and idk i couldnā€™t get into it.


i only enjoyed 3 when crusaders came out. I haveā€¦a theme


iā€™ve been playing earthbreaker druid so fun wish wow had that


Lol I get that. Gotta keep it consistent :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, to be fair, can never really know, they couldā€™ve learnt their lesson after No Mans Sky, considering they really turned around with No Mans Sky after release.


I did try to play D4, but I just couldnā€™t even go further than the login screen.


sounds more like the logout screen, amirite?


Tbh yes, there is quite a brutal history in that region that still affects social and political tensions today. I remember going on a trip to India as a kid to visit temples and visit a place called Hemkund Sahib (I really want to go there again before I pass away). Just look at how beautiful it is:

One of the temples I went to during that trip, Mehdiana Sahib (itā€™s near the India/Pakistan border) showed some really brutal depictions of the history during the Mughal Empire period. It was 5am in the morning where they have statues showing some of the killings and torture methods. But I recall not feeling a sense of hatred or animosity, itā€™s more of sadness of why humans constantly resort to violence and the spirit of resisting against violence and not repeating such cycles.

Iā€™m also aware of the racism. Have had to deal with that my entire life cause I grew up in another Asian country (donā€™t really want to share it here) so I found my childhood very interesting where I felt a lot of that pain through racial differences, insensitivities, sexuality differences and judgements, and having to learn how to fight through that pain and anger to still learn how to connect to people, and to also find my culture and roots again because there was a time where I rejected it and felt a lot of self-hatred, but I learnt that there was nothing to feel ashamed about. I get to choose how I write my own life story.


It sucks that you had to deal with all that. I have never experienced Racism first hand but Iā€™ve seen it first hand far too many times where I grew up. Itā€™s awful and I am glad you were able to find ways to still connect with others as well as your culture.


earthbreaker druid is alot of fun, i have been really enjoying playing that too.

Lol, I never played it either, actually and being 100% honest about it I legit only bought it for the demon doggy mount like thatā€™s the most expensive mount Iā€™ve bought just for WoW but itā€™s so cute I just had to have it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I originally bought it for the same thing too, but at the same time, I thought to give it a go.


oh yeah, that is a really cool mount.

i do like using that in wow alot.

I actually cackled out loud at this.


oh that sounds interesting, what sort of decorations does your sister use?

I had fun with D4 but I had to make room for BG3 sooo I havenā€™t played D4 in a hot min.