LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

It’s already been done. But it’s too late and the damage has been done and the genie is out of the bottle.


This is starting to come off more and more accusatory, which I’m not sure is your intent here…


Anyway that’s being taken care of so moving on.

Almost home from myrtle beach.


oh that sounds like fun, what kind of game is a DLC simulator?

have you been playing it for a long time or just picked it up recently?

thats so wonderful to hear, did you have a good trip up there?

Gonno just ignore the drama cause I wanna talk about this lmao

So Sikhism is kinda interesting cause there’s 10 gurus and they have somewhat different philosophies based on the social climate of the times they were living in. Some were at war, some were at peace, and so it’s interesting to see how some things change as a response to the issues they were facing.

I haven’t read up on the whole thing, and I’m no expert or scholar on this, but I like the concept of ‘Ik Onkar’ which basically means one god. Different people might have different interpretations, but to me it’s like a sense of a divine being beyond human comprehension. It almost reminds me of Eru Ilúvatar. A being of creation, a life force, a sound that we can’t hear but can only experience for a moment of time because we are simply just manifestations of life that will then return to that timeless state.

I also like that Sikhism doesn’t have a concept for heaven and hell, and sought to dismantle the caste system and social hierarchies (well at least attempted to but we all know how humans work) and kinda promotes tolerance for other religions and service to humanity. So one of the common things you’d find in Sikh temples is that anyone can go in there and eat for free. The only requirement is to cover your head and wash your hands and feet. Which I think is more for hygiene purposes.

When I was younger, I’d go to the temples a lot and it was encouraged to serve people food, and just do small acts of kindness. So for example people can go in there and help wash the dishes lol. My dad goes there sometimes to help cook and socialize and stuff.

I mean it’s not perfect. There’s some elements that I don’t like and don’t agree with. And you’ll still find hypocritical people like you’d see in all walks of life and beliefs and social groups. But I’d say the version that I related to was this sense of “question everything” and “find your own path” that I find very beautiful and empowering.

Buddhism kinda came in when I just randomly picked a book at the airport to read lol. I found it interesting because of the concept of suffering ‘Dukkha’. It’s one of the Three marks of existence:

  • Anicca (impermanence) - This means instability, or a lack of permanence.
  • Dukkha (dissatisfaction) - This means that everything leads to suffering.
  • Anatta (no soul) - This means no soul and is the idea that people can and do change in life.

I’m not very knowledgeable and I’ve forgotten a lot of what I’ve read, so don’t take me at my word. This is just my own interpretation. But what really resonated with me was this sense of cycle and movement in the human condition and existence. It’s more of something I ‘feel’ rather than something I follow or adhere to.

Anything, be it emotions, life state, fortune, misfortune, pain/suffering, happiness etc… is in constant cycle and transmutation. And all that shouldn’t be indicators to not participate in life, it’s more of a acceptance that there is no sense of permanence and there can be peace in that.


that was a very lovely explanation, thank you so much for that. i feel that i learned alot from it :slight_smile:

I reinstalled Monster Hunter Rise. Started a new playthrough. Gonna main Bow this time. Going for the whole Archer look from Fate/Stay Night.


oh monster hunter is such a great game, i mained bow as well… had so much fun with it!

Good luck. Still wish getting the feather armor thingy bow mains needed in Rise was easier. Can’t get the decoration that does the same effect til later in Sunbreak


Thanks! So far taking my time and just playing casually. Also playing world with my significant other.

Here is my hunter Solona with her Palamute Oni and her Palico Illyasviel. Don’t have Trust Level 3 so this will have to do.


Just to help out


Thank you! I am grateful for your mighty powers of Trust Level 3 :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Speaking of which, I can’t wait for this

It looks really interesting, and something different.


Interesting. I haven’t heard of that one. Will have to check this out.


oh that does look interesting, when does it release?

I didn’t even know about it until a couple months ago when someone showed me the trailer on Discord.

Just waiting for the release, whether it goes into Early Access or full, though, knowing Hello Games, they’d probably go straight into full release.


i’d really like to see an early access for that game, too… hopefully sooner rather than later fingers crossed

It looks neat :dracthyr_heart:


for the d4 players you can clean all the anniversary gifs now!