LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

i think the most polite thing would be to welcome people to our thread.

how has everyone been enjoying their weekend so far?

anything fun on the horizon for you all in the next few days?

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Time to break out the flags. All I can suggest on.

Speaking of flags, I wish the flag in this thread was a rainbow flag, or could customize the colours of the buttons to our own liking.


a good rainbow flag is always great in our threads.

they were here long before you so knock off the “ours”


Now now Stormfury. I saw you typing. Lets get this over with. What do you want?


i would agree, teaching a dog to sit really helps improve their behavior overall, it is quite simple and it’s a wonderful starting point here.

what kind of dog do you have?

Yeah, they’re just doing the same think that they have done in countless threads. Just report and move on. They are attempting to troll the thread in order to get it shut down.


I was gonna say something, but deciding it was not worth it, Getting swatted kind of does that to you.

Go ahead and report away…

Tbh I also had a religious upbringing so like that part of me never fully went away. I’ve been interested in Sikhism and Buddhism and I think I like seeing the social and community aspect of religion, but sometimes I worry about the group effect and people losing their sight on the core values


Is that meant to be a veiled accusation against a poster here?


what is your favorite part of these two?

Anyways, I think I have been playing a little bit too much of DLC Simulator over the past couple of days, I think I need to get back to other games.


Contact the local authorities for that. Seriously something like that is super serious

Stupid phone posted before i was done. I hate this thing.

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Idk but something of that magnitude needs local law enforcement involved. That’s super serious and can get someone hurt.

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True, but this read more like it was accusatory. I do not condone or support the acts of doxxing or swatting.


Oh I read it as it happened to them like a thing of “well once this happens to ya…” kind of deal.

I dont condone or support it either. That can seriously get someone hurt or worse and is a horrible thing to do.


I know Swatting is something serious, but with the way he has been at it, not just in this thread, but in another thread, it feels like he is trying to push blame at someone for it happening.


That I dont know. All I know is swatting is something taken seriously by law enforcement and should be reported / a police report filed.


Just so you know, reports and statements have been filed. It’s out of my hands now.

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Got you, good. All of it will be figured out and all that.

I would also comb your socials for any personal identifying info and scrub it off.