LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)


Ah got you it’s been a hot minute and I dont have access to my notes.

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Its cute how mom and I are both trying to teach Peach the “Down” command.

Just all 3 of us are learning XD. Peach is clearly learning its just she’s not ready for us to just say the command whenever and she listens. Like how we can just say “kennel” anywhere in the house and she’ll go to her crate.

We’re on like day 3, this is fine


If I’m remembering right, down was one our dogs never liked to follow either

(although our dog Quitcha was cute and if you told her down she figured it didn’t say anything about stay, so she would like barbed wire crawl around to where she wanted to be)


Our plan is to have it kinda be a combo with “sit” so we can just say sit and she’ll sit then lay down

If we can get her to do that, it’ll really come in handy. She’s less intimidating if she’s just smiling and laying on her tummy. I don’t want folks to be scared of her or thinking she might do an excited puppy jump at folks. Since we know she’s a good bean. Others? Best to be safe.


only thing I’d note is you might have times where you just want her to sit, so there is utility to keeping it two commands (like one of the things my dad did that made a lot of sense was that you always have the dog sit before crossing a road to lessen the chance they’ll go out in the road on their own)


True true. Usually if I want her to just sit I give her harness a gentle hold. She plops down when that happens.

We got this short little leash hoop thing on the back of her harness that helps me move her since she a big gorl and I got weak premature birth arms lol


Sit is nice, as it’s one of the things dogs will naturally do when they’re trying to figure out what you want, so nice and easy to teach


Yeah thankfully she knew that one already when we got her. So its making the “down” portion of the lesson a lot easier.

I just wish Mom would use the training treats and not use broken up dog cookies as training snacks lol. We have these small square cookie dog treats so she’d just break them up and use that as a motivator.

Because if I’m not aware she had a pretty big breakfast and later in the afternoon give her a big scoop of dog kibble. She chows down quick then barfs it up.

Yes we have a slow feeder, a elevated one too. Sometimes even with that theres little hiccups like I mentioned. Eh. I’ll take cleaning up the puke over the other waste honestly.


Yeah, dogs only seem to have one speed of eating


At the end of the day. We just have a happy doggo. And she’s not tearing up the place or being aggressive with people. So I say we’re doing okay. As for other dogs we’re waiting until she gets her rabies shot until we go do stuff like dog parks and doggie day cares that are fine with pit bulls. She playfully beat the snot out of her older brother though a few weeks ago. That was funny since Peach is the runt.

I just wanna take some precautions is all. Thankfully Moms pretty good at finding cute things to put on Peach so she doesn’t look scary like a big junkyard dog or anything. ( So. Many. Pink. Accessories. )


yeah that can always be a good idea

Throws glitter!

Hate when someone who defends the haters thinks they’re still welcome here.


oh thank you so much, my friend.

this is exactly what i needed.

i hope you are having a lovely weekend here in the lounge thread of ours :slight_smile:

Yeah… arguing on behalf of people that seek to troll and harass people in this megathread, under the guise of “listening” to alternative points… is not endearing to anyone here.


listening to others really helps people understand the other’s point of view and can assist us all to be friendlier with one another.

i would like to think that this is what our thread here is about.

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Ours? You mean the thread for the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to have haters such as yourself who who defends the haters coming into this thread to attack the LGBTQIA+ community as well as you attacking the LGBTQIA+ community when they defend themselves from those haters?

Yeah, nothing about “ours” is here for you or any of the haters. Especially when you’re pulling the moves as in every other thread in order to get this thread shut down.



Not when people think it’s okay to run people off of the forums. Not when their “alternative view” claims those who feel safe here are mentally ill, not deserving of their rights or healthcare, or worse.

This thread is to give those of us who fit the LGBTQ+ demographic a place where we can safely exist, support each other, and uplift each other. We should never be coerced into listening to those who would and have demeaned, harassed, or called for our abuse.


everyone may have a difference in opinion but we still come together here in our thread to enjoy each other’s company.

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Again, NO.

Their company is not enjoyed. And frankly, we do not enjoy yours, when you have argued as to why those people should be welcomed with arms spread wide and smiles ear to ear.