LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Whose y’alls fav non binary character in fiction?

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Garnet is pretty cool from Steven universe.


I really liked Jordan from The Boys: Gen V. Them having different powers depending on what they were presenting as was pretty neat. The masc was basically a tank and the fem look gave them ranged fire like powers.

That’s just the most recent one off the top of my head

Nimona is fun too


Ugh, I am getting sick of all the rain we’ve had here in Sydney over the past 2 years.

Can someone send me some sun. I want some sunny days :sob:


I’m at a point where I’m just seeing it as emotional tantrums and can’t take them seriously anymore. It’s like they need a babysitter and a course in how to identify basic emotions.


Yeahhh its just nonsense at this point. They look for the next big “woke” incursion to grind out angy tokens at. You.coulda made a character like this 10 years ago and everyone would be gushing over how badass she looks, rather than roleplaying as their grand wizard grandpa


And all the well thought out descriptions of why she’s a problem “Well obviously she’s a DEI because it’s just obvious she is, because nobody ever looks like that in reality or something”


Hedwig Robinson or Double Trouble (if I’m picking from animation).

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Honestly a smack from her shield would also probably hurt way more because that arm holding the shield has to be SWOLE

Ya’ll ever see paraplegics work out? Its so cool how just SHREDDED some get

Girl could be Karlach fit under all that armor. Noice.


I’m sorry to revisit this. Sometimes when I read back on things I have written and the responses I see things I have missed. I’m just getting to know several people on this forum. I find this place to be special, because we all have a commonality that makes this big (WoW) world seem so small. That is our love of the game.

I’m a Christian and my faith is strong. One thing that has always stuck with me is that Jesus wanted us to love each other regardless of what our differences are. We all don’t have to be from the same place, wear the same clothing, or even worship the same god. We just need to be kind, love, and respect.

My way of thinking may not always agree with everyone here, but that is okay. You don’t have to be like me or believe like me. It’s not about that. I’m a straight male and married to a beautiful woman who has blessed me with two children. Granted, they are grown now. One is still finding her way and the other is serving our great country. Regardless of all that, I just prefer to love and respect everyone for who they are. I will and do fight for our right to free expression. Something God gave us from the beginning.

Aeterni and Lidiha, You both are wonderful people. So many more that I have talked to and helped me through some things. Then there is the rest that have put up with my occasional trolling. I hope and pray one day we can move past all this nonsense and just accept and respect who we all are and celebrate all of our differences. Without those differences, this would be one hell of a boring world.


I grew up in a strict setting where have to respect everyone and treat everyone equally. My mum was the kind of person that hated any sort of disrespect, and basically, if I chose to be disrespectful one bit, it won’t just be her anger flying.


I’m not religious I don’t believe in jesus as a religious figure but I do believe he was a historical figure and a pretty neat dude. He flipped tables, yelled and screamed authority. Was anti rich, anti imperialism while being supportive of those in poverty pro “Adult” worker, pro people, the masses really. If there was anything people hated it was oppressors… and figs.


Wait, I though he liked figs, which is why he cursed the fig tree that didn’t bear fruit.

Yes, I know it was a parable for something else, but he definitely didn’t hate figs! :wink:

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Ah the parable of hangry Jesus.


Imagine if He was just handed a Snickers…


But he wanted a fiiiiig


People also forget that he was crucified with 2 thieves too. If I remember right one thief was good and the other bad so to speak.

I have to read up on that when i get home.

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and he told both of them they would join him in his kingdom. It’s all about forgiveness and faith. Whether you believe or not, his teaching was for us all one way or another. It doesn’t matter where you come from, how you lived, or what you believed. It does have a lot to do with believing in his father and faith but had more to do with how we treated each other. That is why his disciples came from so many walks of life.

Love one another was most important teaching.


and yet its the most ignored. figures


not sure if it’s so much good or bad, but that one was receptive to the message and the other wasn’t