LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

So many of my friends were like ‘I can’t believe they killed X character!’

Me: They’ll be back next season.

Them: “HOW!?”

Me: “Either Apocalypse, or cosmic mumbo jumbo via the Silver Surfer.”


I don’t think I can pick only one, so I will do a list.

Be prepared, be a man, into the unknown, surface pressure, gaston, we don’t talk about bruno, and so many more really. My kid was making me do try not to sing challenges though, and we discovered I was most likely to sing be prepared, be a man, or we don’t talk about bruno.

Honorable mentions because not disney, but any Anastasia song, and batty rap from Ferngully.

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I am NOT enthused for who I think a certain horseman is gonna be. NOT enthused based on comic costume entirely.

See, I am fine with that rout but only if they do it right…mostly cause I know where that could lead down the line. Especially if rumors are true that we see X-23 in season 2

I took Mandarin for two years in high school and I think I’ve listened to him sing it in Mandarin, lol. For class, my classmates and I all had to sing “A Whole New World” in pairs. It was so embarrassing :sob:

Should’ve gone with the Ork variant: “A Whole New WAAAAAAAAAUGH!”


I had to sing that one in Highschool as part of Chorus.

and the only song by the Goff Rocker out there is sadly a christmas one so not quite seasonal enough to link

If Jean Grey and her 10000000000000000000 rebirth is anything to go by, no character stays dead there lol


yes i think it’s always good to a second language - it really helps people broaden their horizons and open their perspectives.

Welcome to the X-Men. Hope you’re reborn after the experience.

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It’s a huge problem in Comics. They can’t move on from core characters.

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I will catch up eventually, I swear-

But good evening everyone, I hope all have been safe, well, and taking care! :dracthyr_heart: We got back home yesterday with little to no issues, other than the insufferable heat and usual airport exhaustion. I did end up kind of flopping over once we got home; there’s nothing quite like your own bed and pillows. :sweat_smile:

I’m looking forward to a quiet week to relax and recover from our trip, though it’s back to work after. Don’t think I realized how tired I really was from Pride events, because I swear I’ve been napping as much as a cat the past couple days. :sob:


Well I hope you get a nice relaxing time to recover! Trips can be exhausting. And road trips, while fun, deplete my social battery.


Phara fell asleep and is late to this response, but here we go anyways. Beyond the mentioned Hakuna Matata and A Whole New World, here are some of my favorites:

Can You Feel the Love Tonight

The Bare Necessities

Very Good Advice

Someone’s Waiting for You

The Ducktales Theme

Live action, but whatever, I’m including it:
All for Love

And, not movie or TV related, but besides All for Love and Very Good Advice, these two tracks from Disney-property video games, are my favorites related to the company period, and two of my favorite video game tracks of all time.
Obviously, the Moon Theme, but instead of linking the original, I’m linking this cover from Some Spoony Bard for the Genesis’s YM2612+SN76489 that I love:

And, Arab Rock from the Genesis Aladdin game (this is from a Japanese model 1 VA2 revision Mega Drive with a replaced pre-amp, so probably the best you are going to get from real Genesis hardware):


Wisdom tooth decided to come in on the top jaw so I’ve been in pain. freaking sucks lol Just started a new call center job too.

I really liked Cars. That ending gets me every time.

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Honestly if they wanna do live action remakes. Atlantis would be fun. But why get that when we can get soul less remakes


Gods I remember that movie. I used to be able to sing the song from memory.

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The remakes have been pretty lack luster lol. The new Mufasa movie worries me lol.