LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

All that music was so well done! My favorite:

That breakdown at the bridge is so mid-90s pop rock to me. These kinds of songs are when you have beautiful creativity and are incredibly conversant in music theory to the point you become a Auralmancer, effortlessly casting musical spells evoking certain themes and styles like a polyglot who easily shifts between languages.


“Yo stacy! Talk to me talk to me talk to me baybaaaae” might as well be burnt into my head I watched this movie so much as a kid lol

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Like this ending?

Ah, forgot all about the Goofy Movie
add I2I to my list above.

I had run out of likes on Phara, so forgot I was on this other character.

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That’s another good one. Surface Pressure speaks to me personally because I’m an Oldest sibling who had everything put on my shoulders. The mental abuse and ‘this is your responsibility’ took a huge toll on me.

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Okay I know we’re talking Disney music. But I brought up Atlantis so now I gotta share it lol


Haven’t watched Atlantis in a long time. I should re watch it, it was pretty good.

That song is awesome, Collision of Worlds. That big, sexy chorus

But, no, I mean this one:

It’s even cooler with Richard Petty and Paul Newman as voice actors.

Ah, I haven’t seen the first movie fully. I dunno, last time I watched it, I fell asleep.

That’s a killer track, too. Also the oldest, spawn, too

It pulls from a LOT of Americana and automobile “mythology”. Like Route 66, the 50’s-70’s interstate system and how it changed many towns.

All the cameos. ALL the racing cameos (and I’m not into racing)! Mario Andretti, Michael Schumacher, Dale Earnhardt jr. Very cute movie.

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Just wanted to say that I made it onto Bigot Twitter with a post in here. Never been happier to help highlight someone’s ignorance.

Thanks, I am happy to have a fan.


Yeh it was pointed out to me that I was on there too. I don’t really go on Musky Fantasy Land. But hey, Guess I am famous now.

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Speaking of Disney, Susan Egan is awesome:

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I mean, I won’t go on about it and throw unnecessary fire on a burning dumpster but it is funny and sad to see what I assume is a grown human spending all day on twitter being mad over a game forum.


I haven’t watched Atlantis in many years, but I spent my birthday when it came out—as a 19 year old mind you—making my partner go watch it with me. :laughing: :+1:

I think I’m going to expand slightly away from Disney to Don Bluth movies and throw in Somewhere Out There:


I’m sure im on there. He can post this on there.

Read between the lines


I loved that movie so much as a kid. Not a lot of people talked about it.


I will unironically love the American Tail movies forever. They were amazing.


I watched the sequel for it a bunch. That west one


That one was awesome as well.