LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Only if the full cast comes back. Give me Frakes, Sirtis, everyone!


Sadly some of the cast wouldn’t be able to. Hudson’s voice actor passed away back in 2021

Given how well '97 did I would think some studios are looking back at their more “deep themed” kids shows like Garg’s and putting their brains to work.

spongebob “I need it” meme here.

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A shame… a real shame.

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Xanatos Planned This Revival


Please just give Frakes something to do!

He no longer has any chairs to Riker Maneuver over…

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Oh god, Beyond Belief?


'97 was such a blast for me. I’ve been a long time comic reader. So seeing them work in a lot of the comic stories was great.

I saw my chance and I took it!

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How they handled Morph this go-around was amazing.

He’s been directing, I’ve seen his credit on some episodes of Discovery.

This song/movie transed me :rofl:

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Right, but all ships pull back into dock at some point… and Discovery has done so.

PFFFFT I nearly spat my drink at that.

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If you ever get the chance look up Jackie Chan singing the song! I believe he does it in Cantonese.

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Tarrok, I mean where he can not hate being alive the whole time lmao. Still better than Shatners show though.

My poor friends who only have the movies/games to go off of got so many texts from me “I CANT BELIEVE THEY’RE DOING THIS”. Followed by lengthy explanations where they don’t reply back. I have explained Onslaught so much for that character not being in the show and have fully recommitted myself to being a Cable simp.

I mean, I have some he can do that to…

I figure he’s been doing something, this does make sense. Just being hyperbolic, I know he’s had some cameo roles etc.


George Takei has entered the chat.


oh myyyyyyyyyyy intensifies