LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Just incoherent ranting w the only person who ever engages w him agreeing & bringing more incoherent ranting to the discussion ijbol two :clown_face: telling each other exactly


Just imagine

"So what do you do with your spare time?

“Oh I spend hours crying about one social media website on another social media website”

Aren’t you suppose to be over on the Remix forums complaining about us Oceanic players supposably disrupting your gameplay?

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I find it ironic that he is accusing us of harassing him, but he is doing exactly that, even comparing us to the same people who make real life threats too.

Like, my god… This is becoming something on a whole new level. Speaking about the harassment he is doing.


All these tweets, cuz he got found out that he really likes hanging around anti lgbtq+ spaces

Now he must demonize this entire thread for not worshipping the ground he walks on cuz hes “an ally”


It honestly feels like he’s fishing for material to try and get this thread shut down.


What he’s done is paint targets on peoples’ backs.


sometimes things just happen like this.

Anyways, just 3 mounts left in the remix I have to collect, and I still got my Draenei Warlock to finish levelling before going to level a Gnome Warlock. Then after that, might level a Human Warlock before levelling a third Night Elf Warlock in the Remix. Though depends if I have the time to finish levelling them all.

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I mean if he wants to just admit that he’s fully invested into anti lgtbq+ in an attempt to shut it down

Just kinda… would give reason to not shut it down just because he clearly has a problem with the group

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we can just utilize the votekick system to fix that issue.

i found that it works really well, very effective

I got all the toys/mounts/class sets

Just gotta gradually buy all the cloth/leather/mail armor sets but bunch are broken so waiting on fixes

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I have a few mounts left and a couple of transmogs. Mostly using Remix to level alts.

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I’m not much into other armor types, but I’m actually going to look at going through every server to delete some unwanted characters before levelling more characters. I haven’t been rushing through the remix with the collections, but been levelling some characters every now and then.

I usually stick with the clothes because well, Warlocks are nothing but clothes, and truthfully, someone who has mostly played Warlock a lot of the time, I enjoy my locks.

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He is basically really pushing for more hate towards the LGBTQIA+ community. Like seriously, he could just leave us all alone, and mute the thread instead.


That wouldn’t feed his ego. He’s a narcissist.


Anyway, how about that cave troll lady in the trailer

Sure hope we get more of that



Some of the stuff they’re going on about i honestly would clock if i didn’t feel stupid even entertaining like it’s just so bizarre but also embarrassing to even entertain ijbol i refuse


Not that‎ ‎