LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

ok so some d4 news

pets are in the game now that pick up gold and materials for you too! Faithful Companion questline in Kyovashad to get a free pet!


I would enjoy the pets but you know thats going on the store lol The prices for things on D4 are not fun. Will play for the expac story though.

I did the campaign but never could play more then that really. I never made it past level 20-30 int he several seasons I tried

Iā€™m reluctant to start over on a new season cuz I know I just play slowly and ill never actually get through thr campaign if I keep that same energy. I feel a lil disappointed in myself but it is what it is lol.

Exactly. ā€¦

Is this a safe space for a person that is not LGBTQ+, but has an issue that I donā€™t care about being posted for anyone to read? Maybe it will help them if they are going through what I am going through?

Depends on what it is. Iā€™m happy to help if itā€™s something I know about, but itā€™s not going to stay secret if you post about it on these public forums.

If itā€™s something secret, maybe post anonymously on Reddit in a related sub?

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s people of this community deal with, just in a different way. I donā€™t talk about this or me much.

Everyone is welcome. The only thing that isnā€™t welcome is unnecessary arguments/drama


I would never. I have an honest respect for everyone in this world. I judge by heart and character.


Let me prepare some tea, you can share whatā€™s on your mind if youā€™re comfortable. Canā€™t promise a solution, but Iā€™ll definitely read it


The one thing Iā€™ll say here is that when people say they care, they do.


I deal with Anxiety. I donā€™t talk about it much, but I have been more and more lately because I am tired of being tied down by a monster, I understand that is in me. I believe people from this community can relate and that is why I ask.

I havenā€™t always had it. This is rather recent for me. Iā€™m an Epileptic and I take a handful of meds every day to not flop around like a fish on the floor. Last year, I was also diagnosed as having Hypoglycemia. If you are not familiar, itā€™s a disease that is the opposite of having diabetes. I only have low glucose and itā€™s random. I have to wear a constant glucose monitor and pay very close attention to my body and what itā€™s telling me.

How I found out I had anxiety is a bit weird. I was hospitalized in December for 8 days to do some testing on to figure out where in my brain my seizures are coming from. They took me off all my seizure meds and we waited. Sadly, nothing happened, but my anxiety came forward. That is because a lot of seizure meds also treat anxiety.

Anxiety is like the monster that hides under your bed when you were a child. You believe itā€™s there, but you never know if itā€™s going to do something. For me, I get flooded with emotions to a point I lock up, I get very confused, I doubt myself, I sweat, my heartbeat increases dramatically, and I fall apart. It can be over a simple thing as talking to someone or going to a wake, or into a Walmart. I never know when itā€™s going to happen. I get all psyched up to do these things and when it happens, I fall apart. Itā€™s like Iā€™m in a snow globe and someone is shaking it, but the snow never settles.

I have no problem talking to players on the forums, but if you were ever to invite me for a beer I donā€™t know if I could ever go. I want to and Iā€™ll get all excited to do it, but then that little monster under my bed begins to torment me. The doubt moves in. The fear I will be judged. Itā€™s the most horrible feeling(s) I can imagine.

Iā€™m on medication for depression and anxiety, but they are not working. Iā€™m reaching out to a group of people I would believe that had to deal with this at some point in their life and ask, how did you move past it? Do you have any tips or tricks? What, if anything made it better?

Please Help!


Speaking as someone who does have anxiety, and is also medicated, grounding exercises can help. Something to remind you of where you are in the here and now. Iā€™m not sure of the specific ones that others would recommend, but I use a variant of the 3-3-3 exercise:

  • 3 things you can see
  • 3 things you can touch
  • 3 people that you appreciate (this one is a personal reminder I use, reminding myself of those close to me)

One thing I forgot to mention is that I live with people that donā€™t understand what goes on inside me. They think I use it as a crutch or excuse to not do things I need to do. I donā€™t have the best support system at home. Itā€™s a, ā€œyouā€™re 47 so get over itā€.


A fair point, and not all versions of an exercise will work for everyone. This is just the one that I personally use, and maybe you could try adapting a version of it.


Iā€™m sorry, I shook the whole time I wrote that. Iā€™m not usually the type to put myself in a vulnerable position. I have been a ā€œmanā€ my whole life. This robot that droned on and did my job, supported my family and was void of emotions.


one i picked up from an army vet. is to keep a rubber band around your wrist and when you need to focus on something else just pull it back and you just snap it on your wrist
i had to use that a few times in my life its a grounding exercise that worked for me


Iā€™m very sorry you have to deal with all of that. Depression and anxiety can be neurological problems with the brain just like epilepsy, and itā€™s possible they can be treated more effectively with different meds/doses if the ones youā€™re on now arenā€™t working.


Thereā€™s no need to apologize for that. Anxiety and depression are things I understand. If you need to talk people here will listen.