LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Could you try showing them your post?


Those never worked for me, but I can recgonize that different things help for different people. What helps for me that my therapist taught me is to get my brain thinking logically, because Anxiety is usually the opposite of logic.

One way to do this for example is to think of how many pokemon I can name that start with the letter C. How many marvel movies can I name? How many cities in wow?

It really helps with my night time panic attacks and next thing I know Iā€™m asleep.


I wonā€™t offer actual advice to dealing with anxiety: I have generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, diagnosed >23 years ago, and am medicatedā€”though it helps, itā€™s not perfectā€”and have been in therapy at times in the past; however, I donā€™t deal well with my anxiety, so unless your idea of dealing with it is cry and bawl when you are not able to ground yourself away from the catastrophyzingā€¦well, I wonā€™t provide advice. Others can help better probably.

But, donā€™t let age get in your way of getting the kinds of help you might need. Iā€™m just shy of 42 and deal with my anxiety by crying, bawling, hiding, and running for stressors. Sometimes I am able to use techniques Iā€™ve learnedā€¦repetition, mental or physical, sometimes helps me keep the anxiety from going too farā€¦sometimes. Being medicated helps for sure too, just not as much as it does for some. Iā€™ve had people also just say stuff similar to ā€œItā€™s in your headā€ as if that doesnā€™t make it real. Just, know that you are not alone in this kind of battle.


I was diagnosed as Epileptic as an adult. I lost my CDL because of it. Now this, plus a few other things that have been going on. I grew up believing that men donā€™t have these kinds of feelings. Gen X, lol. Iā€™m good at masking my pain with humor and just shutting down. My doctor wants me evaluated for PTSD. I have never talked to a therapist or whatever they are called. I have no idea what that is going to be like and the thought of it causes all those feelings to rush into me and makes me want to just shut down.


Whoā€™s them?

This is the stuff that hurts the most and most of the time itā€™s from the people I rely on the most.

Iā€™m sorry to turn such a fun thread into this. I have been wondering who to talk to and it dawned on me that a group of people; and itā€™s not right, that deal with this stuff every day may be able to offer up a bit of help. I have turned to God for some help, and that has worked, but Iā€™m looking for people who feel what I feel because they may have advice I have not yet tried.

I really appreciate all of you!


Youā€™re going through A LOT and I feel for you. Keep in mind like weā€™re all different so I donā€™t think thereā€™s a one size fit all solution.

I found that something that helped me a lot to deal with (and I canā€™t say overcome it, itā€™s a constant fight) is focusing on an ā€˜anchorā€™. Kinda like in Inception. Iā€™ve always felt things like anxiety/depression is like this inner world where so many things are going on and the only way to keep sane is to have an anchor in mind so that you donā€™t get lost.

This could be anything from maybe a music you enjoy listening to, to a faith in a higher power, love for a family member, or combination of different things. So when my mind goes wild, Iā€™ll give myself some time to explore my thoughts/feelings (cause I think itā€™s still important to acknowledge your inner experience), and then Iā€™ll focus on my anchor. E.g. listening to a song that Iā€™m really into this week, some of my spiritual beliefs, checking in on a friend, or something that Iā€™m looking forward to in the future like binge reading One Piece once the series is done, or X-Men 97 season 2 lol

When it comes to social events, I handle it a little differently where I do a lot of research. I usually feel better when I at least know what the location looks like via google maps, reading reviews, checking the menu, so that I can be as informed as possible. If all those is not possible, then Iā€™d honestly just ask for help from my friends. Like a ā€œhey do you wanna do this thing with me?ā€ thereā€™s no shame in that. People need people, and if youā€™re struggling with something then asking for help is always a good option.


This is good advice and some of the tricks I have been trying to this point. Music and Faith have been things that have come to me lately and helped some. That and trolling the forums a bit.

I was supposed to go to my neighbors today, she is my cousin and God mother. I also knew 90% of the people there and when it came time to go, I just couldnā€™t find it in me to visit. I did after the crowd left, but I feel extremely terrible that I waited so long. Her brother, my cousin passed very recently. Iā€™m very close to them and I felt so horrible because I let her down.


I work for a logistics/transportation company, so Iā€™ve seen this before, not because of epilepsy but one driver developing seizures due to another health issue. Thatā€™s hard to lose that part of yourselfā€”your CDL and that way of earning a livingā€”over something you canā€™t control. I know many of our drivers are extremely proud of their job. So, be proud that you were able to drive whatever you drove for however long you did. Driver Appreciation is a few months out, but Iā€™ll say now: I appreciate you even if you are not able to drive anymore.

Iā€™ve talked about some things like this in here in the last few months, and others have brought up similar issues for a lot longer. At the very least, many people who visit and post in this thread genuinely care.


Is it because of the crowd? If so it might be better to arrange a smaller lunch/dinner visit


Being a truck driver was the perfect job for me. I drove since I was 21. Even while I was in the ARMY and then when I returned to the civilian world. Being alone and just doing my thing makes me wonder if I always had a bit of Anxiety, but it was never really picked up on until recently.


Thank you all for taking the time talk to me. I feel better and sometimes just getting shtuff off your chest works wonders!


Can someone break the tension and show a gif of a pizza eating an anaconda now. I would but TL2

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Itā€™s possible like big social events can be overstimulating to you. I donā€™t go to big events as well cause the noise/lights disorient me a lot and then I get a terrible migraine or my ears will be ringing for days. I think the difficult part in all this is helping people to understand that itā€™s not about them and that itā€™s something about how your brain works and reacts to external stimuli that can really make you feel bad. But I think that compared to years ago where people took it very personally, people today are at least a bit more understanding and aware of these issues.

When it comes to things like gathering or birthday parties, Iā€™ll just find the introvert corner or if there isnā€™t one, then Iā€™ll make one and just be chilling using my phone and someone will usually join me to just have a 1 on 1 chat. Or if anyone is playing a card game or something then Iā€™ll focus on that cause I find that easier to deal with. The only thing that I found works to even go there to begin with is to the mindset of ā€œwell at least thereā€™ll be foodā€ so itā€™s like Iā€™ll grab the cake and then smile politely and find a quiet corner lol


These are the worst. Even going out into the yard is sometimes a bit overwhelming and I will get these. Crowds are the worst, sometimes.

Food, for me, is the great motivator.


Best I could do boss


Thank you! and this is awesome!

I really appreciate all of you!


This is cute, Iā€™m stealing it, lol. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


Go ahead, :slightly_smiling_face: I stole it, and of course they stole it first from a commercial :joy:


Pizza gang assemble