LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

My reason for running slowly was what I would call “Bread Fridays,” where I and my best friend would celebrate the upcoming weekend by buying an entire loaf of bread, each, and eating it with our hands in the parking lot while chatting. There wasn’t much going on where we were. Lol

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I love bread.

If I could live off of bread, I would eat bread. and nothing else.

Same with pasta. Even uncooked pasta.


But bread makes you fat

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Worth it

( fun reference tho )


Oh, I certainly was! :heart_eyes:
I looooove bread. And cheese and chocolate. And candy and fudge and ice cream and cookies. Not always together

Now ironically I burn like 2000 calories a day (in addition to an already high bmr) so my poor eating choices are my fun little secret

Huh, that’s weird. It tastes good tho lol

Lately I had to stop eating cheese completely. That part was the worst. I love cheese.


Ive recently discovered the joy of a munster grilled cheese.

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What do people do for fun besides eating? Now that I think about it, the only things in my life I consider “peak” fun all involve making or eating food in some way.

I love cooking. It’s one of the things I’m good at.

Omlettes, paninis, guacamole with hot dogs, french toast brioche,
not to toot my own horn but I always make sure the quality is perfection.

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Ooh, I like that! Good job :heart_eyes:

A good food made by a loved one is such a special gift

I mean. To be a weeb briefly and quote Delicious in Dungeon. “To eat is to live”


Nothing, there is no joy in this world

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Honestly I do feel like that some days, and you know what I noticed recently? Those are the days I didn’t eat something I really enjoy

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I’ve also learned the art of brewing some great espresso.
I wished i could have a glass everyday but I know too well what that will do to me.

So far my white chocolate mocha is my favorite recipe.

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In '93, around the last week of April or so, I was required to “run” a mile for the Presidential Fitness Test on crutches with my leg in a cast just days after returning to school at the near end of the school year after having been off since the beginning of March, about 5-6 weeks. Because of an car accident where I was a pedestrian, I had had multiple surgeries on my leg in that time, and eventually would have 14 (some were that year, some in '97-'98).

It was excruciating. I couldn’t do it. Some classmates tried to help me just to get screamed at by our PE teacher, and she made me get up and try to keep going. Finally, someone got the principal, and he put a stop to it. People like her with no empathy should not have been working with children. Mom, in one of the few actual parenting moments, did complain to the school board, which her uncle was on, but as far as I know there was no punishments. I was allowed to stay in my classroom during PE for the rest of the couple weeks of school.

I was 10, not quite 11 yet, and 31 years later it still makes me mad. I still still deal with pain from the jacked up leg, but even during other parts of the recoveries, I don’t know if any point was as bad as that day. It was honestly the worst physical pain of my life, and I have a pretty high physical pain tolerance (yet, just a smidgen of emotional pain or an over-abundance of anxiety just breaks me).

So…while speeding along as super-queer speeds, don’t forget those of us hobbling along behind. :people_hugging:

Sorry my mind works in such a poor manner and typing gets so slow because of it; I’m half-an-hour behind in the conversation. :dracthyr_shrug:


My school had swim PE which i hated they had a like mile run combined w a swim i forget what it was about but like you ran swam then ran again also just in general swim pe was annoying, i had first period swim and i remember they claimed the pool was heated but it most def wasn’t, they gave no one time to really shower so like chlorine was just my vibe for the rest of the day, misery.

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Even days I eat food I like, it is all nothing

Aw bummer. I can’t remember the specifics if our pool days were like that.

Blizz needs to design a quest in the DK intro quests where they get an emotional support kitty


It was the entirety of freshman year :sob: my school did trimesters not semesters and like all 3 trimesters were swim pe freshman year but i was real adamant about last period pe the rest of the year i remember my friends mom worked in the office and i finessed a better schedule the rest of the year w swim my last class of the day