LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

that’s where my father used to set up hunting camp for the hunting season i was going to get up there many years ago but all the wildfires at the time most of the roots was shut down


Oh got ya :slight_smile:


Similar case, I didn’t preorder - I bought it when they had a discount (the season had altars of that demon lady I think) and I am kicked out of the season too :sweat_smile:

I love the click-map-to-teleport in that game and the quest with the demon lady (who I don’t understand why she is evil yet she seems much cooler than the angel guy) I am finished with act 1, I think. The little girl went to visit her mom and she was in the basement getting all the answers she ever wanted. Some of the graphics are scary like there are bleeding organs and whatnot


that part broke my heart lol. A lil bit uncanny with the way they present it but I took it as someone being so radically invested in magical death stuff that she no loger recognized her daughter.

I’m not sure where I’m even at anymore story wise but I eventually stumbled upon a dude just chilling in a tree, literally bleeding out because the entire lower half of his body is missing and he’s like “Yo, I need you to coughs in pain cleanse this corruption”.

I won’t tell you how that quest ended but i snorted a bit.


just posting here cause I have a question for you all.

I am a southern gay man… I definitely sound like one. For years I have been the center of jokes in vent…then into discord. Mostly light humor or “SAY THIS” type behavior but it can build up and hurt. I eventually left the guild due to this…

I haven’t had the courage to join another because I’m afraid it will be the same thing. It’s made me realize all these years I avoid voice chat in every game besides WoW, until recently cutting that off too.

Being made fun of all these years… You’d think it would cause thicker skin, but it doesn’t.
Has anyone had similar issues? Not sure how to work through this and feel comfortable again.


I was born in the South East US as well. And trust me I get it…I got made fun of a lot for the Southern drawl. To the point I actually trained my voice to try to cut it out, mostly, from my voice.

You shouldn’t have to have ‘thicker skin’. You should be able to speak without the fear of ridicule by people who are supposed to be your guildmates/friends.


At my old place of work everyone used to ask me if i was gay just based on the way I’d talk or carry myself. It came up sometime later and I made some kind of remark about unicorns or something to that effect in passing, though I can’t remember exactly what we talked about. but then the whole thing turned into an inside joke where my coworkers kept teasing me about it until eventually I was like “nah” and just kinda kept my mouth shut and kept to myself mostly until I quit that place sometime later, but that was for different reasons.


something very cool about that is that is the original druid you play as in d2


I maybe misunderstood that quest. I love the feeling of finally getting the answer, and I took it like “my daughter, come with me and meet God” and I was very happy for them! Because I saw that lady from previous cutscenes and I know she’s real so the daughter who seemed interested in finding out the answers would finally get them. I know I know I should be hinted in by the blood on the ground and whatnot but so far I’ve only seen her empowering villagers, giving people answers and having awesome fashion :tipping_hand_woman:


I think a lot of it is finding the right group of people who won’t tear you down and who would rather build you up (which might be difficult in a casual or large group setting) or at the very least not shame you for something you cannot change like your voice. Who you surround yourself with really does impact how you see yourself so it’ll take time to rebuild your trust in large group settings, but you can start small by maybe talking to people 1 on 1.


That’s actually really neat and I didn’t know that.

Although having a character remain conscious and able to hold down a conversation while being chopped in half is a bit goofy to me, I do love, LOOOOVE the visual image it creates.

I’m new to the Diablo world but my gosh, I love the art, the aesthetic, the demons, the blood, the whole vibe.


Funny Peach moment of the day

A empty cardboard box? Scary
A full cardboard box with something Mom ordered? Free game

Girl was just tearing some of the corner off before I noticed and moved the boxes to safety


This made my heart sting a bit. I know what you both mean. I have had to do the same.
What’s sad is IRL in my small southern town im used to toning it down, or eliminating it completely all the time. I even cover my pride tattoo. I just don’t like confrontation and it’s happened to many times here.

Unfortunately when you get home, escape to your favorite game and still deal with the same BS it’s very disheartening.

It is.
I hope everyone finds this one day. I’m starting to think I will not.


You will. I feel like a lot of is in knowing how you wish to be treated and then eventually randomly coming across people who match that energy. Of course that doesn’t mean that you won’t encounter people who might ‘joke’ about something that’s personal to you, but over time you also learn to filter those people out because your time/energy is focused on the people who show care/concern for you. You might already have people like that in your life.

For me I’ve been made fun of over my race, and felt insecure about my accent, and always felt like I needed to hide myself because of homophobia and hearing comments from relatives that people like me should die. But in time, I met people, gay/straight/otherwise who I care deeply for, and vice versa, and that’s all that matters to me. I keep going and build myself up because they need me and I need them.


( this is meant to be a compliment just for tone ) You are such a real life pandaren I swear lol. Just chill vibes.


Unless if I’m hungry and cranky then I get in my roasting diva mode


I don’t have advice on how to work through this, but I’d like to at least comment on some things. I don’t have the type of accent you are speaking about, neither a southern nor the gay male speech patterns, mostly. There are times where I will subconsciously dip into a bit more effeminate intonations but still not the same, and it’s rare, especially in public.

I am a pansexual demi-guy (who experiences genderflux between like at most 3/4 man with 1/4 gal down to a more even blend of androgyny) from southern Indiana with our own dialect and accent that is a conflux of more stereotypically-midwestern Hoosier Apex dialect with Inland South (appalacian) dialect. Very North-central Kentucky, including Louisville, share a very similar dialect. So…I sound a lot like a hillbilly or redneck…I mean the character Donny Baker was a—only barely-exaggerated—caricature of my dialect. So, we speak slowly—and I speak even more slowly because I have speech issues beyond the dialect—and, we from the area sound…unintelligent and uneducated just because of the nature of our speech patterns and intonation.

I don’t like the timbre of my voice anyways, it’s like my voice made it partially through puberty and stopped with the addition a bit of a smoker’s rasp (though I’ve never smoked ever)…it’s an effort to keep my voice out of constant vocal fry. Mix that with a hillbilly-adjacent accent and tack on my communication issues (I experience lots of dysnomia due to aphasia caused by a brain injury as a child)…and, I’ve always tried to avoid voice chat. I don’t like talking IRL either—and would avoid it if I could. I already suffer from anxiety (gad), but having to communicate, whether verbally or textually but ESPECIALLY verbally (or in-real-time through text), just compounds my anxiety. It’s frustrating.

I’ve been made fun of a lot for my speech issues through the years. I don’t know how anyone should deal with that though…I cry and I run and hide, that’s just what I do. But what I do know is that you shouldn’t put up with anyone making fun of you for how you talk (or for anything that is you being you). Unless you are making the jokes and inviting them to laugh alongside you, those are not your friends. Or at least they are very poor friends. There are almost 8 billion people on this planet, so forget the people that make fun of you, that don’t accept you for you. Yeah, it can be daunting—especially if you are scared of everything like me—to find some new friends, a new group, but accepting people are out there, you just have to be search and be observant.

I very, very briefly on voice and video chat what a very small handful of people from these forums. They have been kind and accepting, and they haven’t mocked me for how I talk and my lack of actually conversing deeply because of my communication issues. So, I’m thankful for that.

So, try to be hopeful on finding a group of good people that don’t belittle you for being you. Don’t hide your accents. If someone calls you names, gay or otherwise, or mocks you…they are not worth knowing or talking to.

And, if anyone is curious what folks around my parts sound like—at least someone that can communicate in longer, more-coherent speech than the spurts and sputters than I can—then Tyler Hood here is probably the most authentic (along with Larry Bird and to a lesser-extent John Mellencamp).


i like that singer. folksy “af”. for some reason, reminds me of Phil Ochs - the voice/timbre, not so much the lyrical content.



Tyler is one of my youngest first cousin’s (who is about 21 years younger than I am) friends, and he lived just a little ways from my uncle’s house. Tyler is a bit older than her I think but knew each other forever. I met him once when I first came back down this way at a little birthday dinner for my uncle (I think 35th…my uncle was less than 3 years older than me but passed away 6 years ago this 4th of July). He played some music with my uncle (who wasn’t very good). He wasn’t great then and was just a kid, but I was pleasantly surprised when my cousin posted a different video a year or two before this.


can we still have this Kip?

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