LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Man, I remember downloading hugs on limewire. They never dl’d that fast. What a time to be alive.


“Yay, Puffy Ami Yumi put out their new album. Now to let it download all night so I can listen to it on the way to school tomorrow”

I miss limewire so much!


Oh god, I remember Limewire. The very old days of the internet.


I used to use that at my brother’s house on his pc for music for my MP3 player.

I think I bricked his pc due to all the viruses.


I can tell him the art’s offensive, but he would most likely tell me to just simply ignore it.

But i can’t control what he does.

I followed him because as i’ve said, PC gaming and what not.

Now you’re okay with me bringing it up?


… Blackcorba and others isn’t going to send people atfer to harrass you if that’s what you’re talking about.

I remember tanking the raid in the…water plane was it? As a Cleric tank, whose name escapes me. They were broken bad in the beginning because threat was largely based off healing. And not overhealing (which was changed). So, you’d have to start a fight by remove armor, and then reequipping it to give you an HP deficit to heal up, or just hope you could heal yourself up before the other healers did.

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Forgive me for not taking you at your word.

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I miss being 20 years younger and (while it wasn’t always) being carefree then.


when bittorrent first came out i used to slowly download lo rez movies on dial up lol


They ain’t Kiwifarms. So you’re fine.

Infact Blackcorba does’t have that many followers to begin with.

I did told him without names obviously, but i’m not going to be surprised if his response is simply just to ignore it.

I should also point out he also follows me because i do PC gaming and my opinions on PC gaming tho.

Crazy to think that was so many years ago.


If I were 20 years younger, I’d be too young to meet all the wonderful people here on the forums.


You can still live that way! Dye your hair every month, stream Bound and eat a bunch of ice cream, cut out pictures of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and put them on your wall with paper hearts around it…

or maybe that was just me…


In the next one, I’m going to try to make the joy of your 20s last until your 90s!


I love Bound, and still have a picture of Buffy on my wall :laughing:

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I’m gonna miss wirebugs something fierce in Wilds tho XD

They’re SO useful

GINA GERSHON IS SO HOT OH MY GOD AHHHHHHH!!! :hot_face: I still crush on her just as hard as day one. I got the same Labrys tattoo because of her.

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When I was in high school (98-02) I listened (mostly) to classic rock, jazz fusion, synthwave and prog rock from decades ago. I was time-lagged a bit. I remember going to see Crosby stills Nash and young with my prom date and being the youngest ones there at the stadium at 17/18.

I’ve never dyed my hair but I’ve straightened it, and that’s fun (when I wear it long).

Your youth sounds much more fun than mine.


YEAH! I loved the Wirebugs. But I am excited for Multi-weapon stuff in Wilds. Being able to swap weapons mid fight is gonna be HUGE

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Hi!! I would like to vent a little frustration here… I am having a lot of fun playing WOW again, I had taken a break for a while. Timerunners are fun!!! I am just overwhelmed at the massive amount of, , , , inappropriate player names. Just sooooo many names that are intended to spread literal hate. I do not want to start listing names, its really hard not to use examples. All i can say is that, it’s NOT okay!!! How has it gotten to this point? Why is it permitted? When will it be addressed? Players are not using curse words/swears however in many cases, I would be happier to see that. I love to play WOW, I do not love seeing cringe (insensitive/hateful) names all around me - It’s VERY hard to not give examples…