LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

See I’ve wanted to play monster hunter but I have no idea of where to even start.

Realistically I’m sure he noticed but decided to look the other way because of what they share in common.


“I can excuse racism but i draw the line at console gaming.”


I’m assuming you’re referring to the UK slang for a cigarette?


mfw Myfwyc succinctly puts my thoughts into words


Something along those lines… may be a little bit longer.

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Oh the monsters are things you fight or capture. You play as a hunter.

Turf Wars are only available for certain combos of monsters around the map. You lure one to the other or they might bump into each other mid fight. So you get that lil special animated brawl between the monsters.

That white smoke on the hunter is from a luring item you can find and you basically turn into moving bait where you can have a monster chase you

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Ah, so maybe three, maybe six?

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Sometimes a maybe 3… sometimes a maybe 6.



I am not a fan of the pickle.

Also fun fact, even though Odo loses turf wars against the stronger beasties if stays/is forced around after the fact it can whoop a bunch of them due to its speed, including Val Hazak


Oh it’s a very fun fight…but that superman dive of his is BRUTAL

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oh that sounds pretty damn cool! Manipulating the environment for your benefit is an interesting sounding game play mode instead of just, WEAPONS FREE.

and I appreciate how gently you essentially spelled out the game name for my simple mind lol…thank you :]




It’s so hard to make monster shapes I feel like, even new shapes because everything drawn kind of seems like it could exist. With all the funky flamingos and beautiful beasts we share this reality with, I never really know if an idea is new or just an amalgamation of pieces of this smelly playground we call Earth.

And I don’t even know how to test this idea! It’s so mean! On one hand, if I am able to imagine more as I grow up, and experience more of the world, it seems like ideas can be new. On the other hand, maybe I am able to imagine more as a child because I am closer to the other place, my consciousness not as firmly tethered to this weird little spectacular disaster.

On the third hand, I don’t know if the amount of things we can imagine should be increasing by the cardinality of the power set of those elements (we learn 3 pieces, we can make 8 things including nothing, 4 pieces, 16). And I can’t even measure the total of what could be because by the time I would finish, the time would be different and I might have seen something else.

On the fourth hand, if there IS exponential growth of the results that could be, what if it’s because we ourselves make new pieces as we combine other pieces, and eventually distinguish them as we apply them to more ideas? Ayaayyayaya

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You ordered a pickle?


all that hate sounds cucumbersome


The puns… THE PUNS!


I was genuinely just trying to be nice for folks that haven’t played XD

You can lure monsters into traps you set yourself or stuff in the environment like really sticky tree sap on the ground.

You can also just catch a monster if you don’t wanna kill it. But Elder Dragon classed monsters you can’t capture. They’re just too powerful and free. It really depends on what materials you need from said monster since some rare materials you HAVE to carve out of a defeated monster instead of just catching them.


That’s not high standards. If anything, it seems unreasonable to dedicate an entire work day just to find out if the person you want to follow got something offensive or not.

Offense is taken, not given.

Oh No, i’m okay with somebody because we have simular interests in gaming! Ahh! That never happens on this thread! Nope, no sirree! we can’t have that. /s

Hateful because i disagree with an idea?

Ahh yes, because saying “everybody should have the right to say what they want without being discriminated against because of their race/gender/etc” is discriminatory now.

I wouldn’t be on PC talking to you if i were closed minded.

…Sexist, or Sexiest? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Explain why i follow Totallynotretro and Ohnoit’salex then.

Explain why i follow La Reina Creole and MinxyOne then.

That’s you misunderstanding what i’ve said here and pretty much lying.

I’ve never once said nor implied it’s not a problem.