LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

…Mind pointing out who?

Halloween is and always has been my favorite event/holiday. when the community and neighborhood was generally open and folks could go door to door. my perspective may be vastly different than others, though, but i really enjoyed it.


Think it was something about a snake…?

Oh BlackCobra1500?

I followed him because were both PC gamers and share common interests in clowning console peasants.

It sounds like to me you want me to review every iota of what the person does or didn’t do, and you consider following = following 100% of their opinion. When that isn’t the case.

I mean I also loved it as a person who got free candy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I was just so surprised that there was this total 180 for one night only!


Well go check his pins…


I did. … What do you want me to say or do here?

I don’t know. What do you want to do?

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You’re an ally to minorities right? You should know what to do.


Diagram that sentence, I dare y’all.

But seriously…you flipped out over a couple vague posts on keeping track of who ‘likes’ blatantly bigoted posts, and that discussion probably wouldn’t have led anywhere anyway. Meanwhile, you’ve hypocritically gone and done something even worse. The only person putting lists of names out there is YOU.

You’re doxxing people in here to “punish” people for disagreeing with you. This is on top of the stalking members in here, the talking-over and lecturing groups you don’t belong to, trying to engage with us through alts like your orc, and having no problem with cozying up to blatantly bigoted people both here and on Twitter.

There is no “compromising” with someone who stalks us , harasses us, refuses to take “no” for an answer, provides aid and comfort to people who want to see us dead, and who continually centers themselves as the victim while obsessively tweeting every petty grievance. You’re about as much an “ally” as the T-virus.

You have issues you need to work on. And that’s unfortunate. But we don’t have to be collateral damage.

And with that, you’re back on block. :wave:


An “Ally” that says we have no choice if he wants to be an ally or not.

Cuz. You know. Autonomy is overrated.


I’m asking you this…

…No i don’t tbh.

Wow… you don’t know how to address someone in your sphere that’s proudly showing a hateful trope?


If I recall the conversation was on how the mods should take these hateful threads more seriously. Not some hit-list. It just happened yesterday where someone who just lost it over Shamans got a 50 year ban, but it seems like people who send the most vile messages to a minority group get at most a slap in the wrist and then proudly proclaim they’re fine which encourages them to do it again in cycles. Idk why that person is trying to spin it around as something else.


So, moving away from THAT disaster. Who here has played Monster Hunter Rise?


I mean I really would like my neighborhood community to be more open and friendly, and I try but probably not enough. I mean I haven’t made the effort, I only talked to my neighbors maybe once ever besides the regular smiling and waving. I guess I’m worried that if we don’t like each other, it might be bad because we know where each other lives and will be around each other a lot.

So basically I’m hoping they do what I don’t which is so unfair

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And I’m asking what do you want to do?

It’s fairly clear how I feel regarding the discussion with how I’ve stated stuff before.

Let me put a quote here,
“You can judge a man by the company he keeps and yours smells like roadkill, pal.”

That’s my thoughts on the matter.

I haven’t played it yet.


alas, I have not, but I can awkwardly help segue with the best of them! :smiley:

so, how bout that sports ball?



It was my first monster hunter. I’m gonna play a fresh game on PC soon.

Bow main with the occasional Hunting Horn. I ain’t no pro but I am at least passable lol

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Who’s ready for the next season of handegg?