I really don’t think that the forums for a MMO are the place where you’re going to find thoughtful discourse on such a serious situation. This absolutely sounds like something you need to be talking to your sibling about, not a bunch of stranger orcs and elves. The one thing I will say, is through your words and actions, it sounds like you are set on figuring this out with or without their input.
I happen to be in here right now, so I ask where I am. You would be surprised where you can come across little tidbits of info, so you just need to take things with a grain of salt and get a broad base of info to pare down later.
Let me rephrase this, this isn’t our business. And to be perfectly frank, it isn’t any of yours either. Whatever they feel about their identity, they as a human are allowed to explore and express, no matter what advice you might get from us. You said you already have it in your head that that they “dont understand the consequences,” so it sounds like all they have ahead of them is a road of arguing with you. You want advice? Leave them alone, and let them live their own life.
Also, this goes without saying, for the love of god NEVER announce to a group of strangers that someone is trans without their permission. Cardinal sin.
None of us have enough information to give enough advice besides this:
Be supportive and understanding, and help them get the right care for their situation. None of us will hard-no, and whether transition occurrs - or to what degree - is not any of our calls to make.
We should not be given any further information, as it is still not our call to make.
This is something you should really talk about with your siblings, and not randos on the wow forum. The only thing I will say, because based on “don’t understand the consequences” - I don’t think you are well informed, most likely because of misinformation spread by conservatives:
Surgery for gender affirmation is illegal before 18 in almost every state (it might even be every state). Hormone Replacement Therapy requires age 18 as well, or 16-17 with parental consent.
The most someone under 16 can do is go on puberty blockers, and that requires extensive counseling. Puberty Blockers are also not permanent, and can be reversed later if necessary.
In short, nothing done under the age of 16 is permanent. And 16-17 requires parental consent, as well as extensive counseling. (I’m literally almost 2 years into getting HRT and I’m 35, to give you an idea of how long HRT can take to get approved by a medical professional. It’s not something doctors will do without 1000% making sure it’s necessary, unlike what the conservatives say. And my HRT is for the hormone I am supposed to be naturally making.)
EDIT: For clarity, almost all, if not all, of the cases of pre-16 children receiving HRT or gender affirming surgery is because they were born intersex/something similar, or it was a risk to their lives to not do it. (And not in the self-harm way, but an actual medical “if this isn’t done, their body will kill them” way, like cancer in a certain body part or such).
Generally here ,yeah we can talk about stuff here and in general forums but here mods tend to step in more here if there are issues that call for them to do so.
Most of the time its just random,chill stuffs here like cookies.
A while ago a certain unnamed individual and others would constantly spam threads about various topics under the LGBTQ+ topics and the playerbase was incredibly annoyed at the spam (and existence of lgtbq+ in general)
This thread was made as kind of a “cover all” scenario so anything in that topic range could just be talked about in here instead, as well as just a place for lgtbq+ players and allys without having to worry about the outrage some players have over the fact these topics exist
Sometimes it sure feels like it. It isn’t a question of whether gay people can talk about wow, it’s a question of whether everyone else can keep talking about wow once they find out there’s gay people. Here, that issue doesn’t crop up.
When you bring it up in a conversation or mention “my wife or husband” in passing. Being gay is not something to hide, or to only wear when the weather is nice. If people know you, they’ll find out. But forgive me if my nose is picking up a hint of fish food, here.
I think that came across the wrong way. Let me start over by saying that I do not have enough background to help them, but that is my intention.
“Let me rephrase this, this isn’t our business. And to be perfectly frank, it isn’t any of yours either.”
My sibling and his spouse asked me for advice, otherwise I would not have sought ways to help them.
“Whatever they feel about their identity, they as a human are allowed to explore and express, no matter what advice you might get from us.”
I am trying to be supportive, and getting advice on how to be so, wherever I can. I do think you are correct in saying they should be able to explore and express whatever identity feels right, but I am not sure how that guidance should be given, or whether it might be better for me to simply say that, rather than speaking out of ignorance and hurting rather than helping.
“You said you already have it in your head that that they “dont understand the consequences,” so it sounds like all they have ahead of them is a road of arguing with you. You want advice? Leave them alone, and let them live their own life.”
I said that they do not know what it entails, not what the “consequences” may be. As I said, this isn’t an area where I can claim experience or expertise. To be honest, I am not sure myself what the long term effects or side effects can be, which is why I am doing my best to figure it out.
“Also, this goes without saying, for the love of god NEVER announce to a group of strangers that someone is trans without their permission. Cardinal sin.”
Thank you for that. I did my best to keep things anonymous, using general terms, but your comment highlights what I am trying to do. This was something obvious to you, but it didn’t occur to me.
Perhaps a more specific question would be better:
Since this is not a place for me to ask about it, where would you say is a good place for someone like me to find good input? I don’t want a bunch of trolls going off on me just for asking about it (which happens even in forums with doctors), nor do I want people that only talk about the positives. I want a full range of perspectives from people that have actually experienced this, not just people parroting political talking points when they haven’t been there, or had a family member deal with it.