LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

The sha of creativity gave us this gift so I welcome it! I’m thinking that this would mesmerize someone from 1300, as would almost anything else contemporary 2 year olds see on a daily basis


Especially ones that are flat out lying like saying I somehow doxxed people.


Ha, someone posted this before in the waggle thread. It says -

バナナは生えてる - Banana wa Haeteru (Bananas are growing)
アイ アム Dole マン - Ai Amu Dole man (I am Doleman)

I can’t read the other part because it changes too fast


Man, still cant believe you doxxed that Ecuadorian politician or whoever you doxxed like that


I want a Doleman too, so helpful! Fun fact: bananas have been one of the least impacted goods by recent inflation!

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That’s so crazy! And to think that people once started wars over those things. I wonder what we have nowadays that’ll turn out the same way. Diamonds, probably.

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Bananas are pretty good to be fair


Once humans can travel to Neptune, where it rains diamonds, I wonder how that will impact the diamond market!

Its gunna be some stupid market mark up of ‘Earth Made Diamonds’ and people will pay a premium for them


There’s a Twilight Zone episode where these thieves steal a bunch of gold and then put themselves into some kind of cryogenic stasis or something in order to wake up in the future and be ultra-rich due to inflation. When they wake up, all the roads are made out of gold and it’s totally worthless. It’s a great episode.


I wonder if, counterintuitively, people would pay more for the Neptune ones even though they are so common. Apparently rocks from the moon are sold for thousands USD, I think half of them are rocks they took from some Earth volcano and cackled and put on eBay anyway.

Initially neptune ones would be more expensive due to the travel time

But then itd swap to earth ones cuz home planet

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Oh yeah. If anyone comes for my banana bread it’s on like Donkey Kong. I mean that literally, I’m going on a multi-island rampage that ends with the enemy base in flames.

I dunno, but I imagine itll probably impact everything else pretty hard. Diamond rain, ouch!!

It really makes you think, right? People have been falling for the exact same scams since our parents parents were kids. I guess its true there’s a sucker born every minute.


Oh, this old Japanese commercial.


That’s it, lol. Most of that is written in kanji and my Japanese is hot garbage so I can’t read all that. I can only read the hiragana and katakana portions. (Japan uses 3 different alphabets :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:)

There’s a hilarious and bizarre rabbit hole of Japanese commercials one can fall into. Some of that stuff seems like it’s from another planet. :rofl:


I’m sure him and the one person who reads his tweets will appreciate it.

Also, Bari look up the term “White Savior” - you’re doing that but with sexuality and gender identity instead of race. You’re trying to voice your own voice rather than helping get the actual voices that have experienced it more attention.

Like Pharazon, I understand some people identify as Queer. I do not want to take that away from them. However, I have been called queer by some of those people, and others in the LGBTQ+ Community because they disagree with me saying gay because I am not a man.

For me, Gay is not just specific to gay men, it’s a catchall for all people who aren’t straight.

It’s so widespread that there was a new term for gay man that was spread around recently, I can’t remember what it is though.

But it hurts just as bad being called queer by an ally or friend as it did when it was hurled at me as a slur. I know my guild uses queer as the catchall for the LGBTQ+ community and honestly it hurts when it does cause again, my trauma from it. I haven’t mentioned it cause I don’t want to be “that person” that ruins a term for people.

EDIT: Apparently they banned the word that means straight from the forums. Tried to post it and nope. Lmao.


I do loves me some banana bread.

Bananas have also done me a solid because I struggle kinda with drinking water. ( Sick as in it makes me throw up ) So I “eat” my water to try and make up for it. So bananas were hella useful for a snack. I know food can’t completely replace water but still. Pretty nice.


I also like having a banana sandwich too :yum: :yum: :yum:

I love the Long Long Man gummy ads. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I can’t post the link, but they are hilarious.

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I identify as queer but when I say that, I’m always hoping I’m not making anyone else remember an unpleasant memory where they were bullied with the term for example. Queer is the most fitting for me personally, as the other labels I’ve considered just really don’t fit or they get too specific for me to feel comfortable telling people I’m not close with.