LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Oh, yeah. My wants are purely subjective to what I find appealing, cool. All combinations are valid to me


Why would you make this

Honestly I wish Draenei had some more hairstyles. Something short and spiky. Yes I am a weeb girl


Hey, when you’re a superhero, the mask is part of the package. Also, uhhh
 the non-mask pics I found were not safe for the forum >_>




XXX-men? Nice :+1:


No, what she is saying is speak for your own stuff that you have gone through or been through, and not for others.

In otherwords, don’t speak for the LGBTQIA+ community. That is the real hint.


This needs to end. Now.

60+ people endorsed a post calling out the “LGBTQ+ ‘agenda’” on this very forum.

What we have suggested is that moderation go back through the likes from that post, assuming they still have an archived record of it, and backtrace to accounts. It needs to be treated as evidence of a hostile environment towards LGBTQ+ people.

For this reason, you have been rightly called out for speaking over LGBTQ+ people here. We were the targets of the hate and the endorsement of that same hate. We were the ones called predators, who were given suggestions of unaliving, and who were told that we should have our rights stripped - in this very forum. The moderation staff should ABSOLUTELY review and address every single account that took part in that open display of hatred.


Oh, I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we’re done. Please don’t return to this thread, either. Especially if all you’re going to do above is just continue to speak down to us, tell us to stay in our lane, and that it’s apparently better to do nothing because we won’t be helped.


I see Mr. Runner Up in the international “Desperately Needs To Touch Grass” is still trying to control how LGBTQ+ people are supposed to act and silence them because his opinions and feelings on the subject matter more than the people actually effected by the subject


This. Also, no real ally would put up all our user handles and servers on the bird app so any bigot on there looking for LGBTQ+ people to harass can easily find us. Or refuse to take “no” for an answer. Never trust people who don’t care about consent.


His feelings is what matters most though, how dare the people he’s an “ally” of ever have any issues with the nonsense he posts

Also bari, I’ve already had people tell me you’ve cried about me on tweeter, so I give full consent to post as many as my posts as you want on there cuz I was also told nobody interacts with you there lmao


This talk about pizza has me looking back to when I thought about a, um, cheesy backstory for my warrior, Pizzadahutt. He was reincarnated as a night elf after eating himself to death in his car a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The knowledge of how to create pizzas was innate. He owned the first pizza parlor in Darnassus before starting training as a warrior and heading into battle.

I was on a RP server at the time, so I thought I’d have something ready just in case.


Playing mop remix super casually and I loved the Stormstout brewery stuff. Has been my favorite dungeon of all time since it came out.

I wish there was an addon that turned every dungeon and raid I’d ever queue for in every expansion ever into ‘just’ Stormstout Brewery.

Likely a product of it’s time, and the fact that is exactly what the word was defined as before the US popularized the slang version.

Given the setting and characters leaning towards
 Well. European qualities and accents
 It makes sense they would use the word unlike Americans would.

Game is also produced in Japan. WoW was made in America, where the slang term gained it’s new, awful definition.

Unfortunate but the word existed for four centuries without any negative context and only in the 20th century, modern day, did it get a new, bigoted definition that only really saw use in America.

It’s like getting upset when Australian characters/media use the C word because it’s a degrading dehumanizing way to refer to a woman in the united states.

Language is weird.

I do hope the word is reclaimed and all negative connotation vanishes with time. And no one is ever hurt or victimized by it’s use again.


I love this forums cause in a few posts alone we got ideas for a Panda Titan on a quest to bring cup noodles and matcha latte to the universe, a former Hutt turned Night Elf pizza connoisseur, and a Dracthyr Craft Beer Artisan



That is the absolute cheesiest use of trust level 3 perks I’ve yet seen!


Creativity is a wonderful thing. :dracthyr_nod:


Creativity is a good thing, until it becomes bad

Then it is more dangerous than all the other Sha combined

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The Sha of Creativity was in front of us all along
And all we did was take down its Competition
Lore Walker Cho was right there