LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I’m gonna go back to talking about werewolves and mothman.


Or…and hear me out here…Mothra? Eh? Ehhhhh? nods in Godzilla fan


Oh for sure! Mothra is awesome.


All hail the Queen of the Monsters :dracthyr_nod:


I believe this alone speaks more about yourself than any of the others here.


Also cuz pandamode was talked about

I bet no one can guess who’s alt I am, also don’t look at my gear cuz I definitely haven’t spent too much time in this mode


Hm golly gee willikers, Batman… I wonder who that is?

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peers at Batman…is that you Batman? I told you it’s too late to change animals. No one’s gonna call you Wolf man.

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I can guess that you are not my alt, but that’s all I’ve got.

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Hey I’m the wolfman lol


Are you? puts on glasses :disguised_face: Hmmm…yeah that checks out.


Or was it, dun dun dunnn


In all serious tho Panda mode is fun. Been using it to level alts for RP


I’m using it to learn specs etc I very rarely touch and it’s been fun so far.

Plus hunter really fits worgens well.


I’ve bought 1 cosmetic so far, been using most bronze to upgrade gear so I can tear apart raids to improve bronze acquisition rates

Pretty fun doing 5x+ the damage of other people so the panda launch raids take like 10-15 minutes to clear

I mean, I do have a lot of alts, probably to the point where I don’t even know them all any more.

Nice. Honestly once I have all the RP Alts at 70 gonna start farming up stuff to get all the Cosmetics and mounts.

I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to stop being an ally just because you want me too.

If the list is just there to ignore people, then that would be fine.

But to threaten, punish, witch hunt and etc, that’s where i have a problem with.

Why do you think i was against the idea of anti-btag people coming up with the idea of “Let’s see who flagged my post!”? Or constantly say “criticism and laughing isn’t attacking, nor it’s endorsement of which”.

People have the capacity to change. As much it seems like they can’t.

How many people alone from the Right just swapped because of main host? Or their ideologies or etc?

Again, never said you have to be friends.

How exactly you expect Anti-LGBT laws to be gone, if you’re simply not willing to convince the way to give up their ways then?

I get there will always be bigots like this who kills people, those can just soil off… but to the rest of the bigots, they have the capacity to be converted, and have the capacity to be convinced out of writing Anti-LGBT laws or etc. Or convinced out of making slander/libel against you. Convinced out of hate.

…Because you (General you) don’t listen and understand what i’m saying here and disallow me to explain while making your own conclusions here.

I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it feels like no matter what i do, this is the same problem i ran into that doesn’t seem to have much ado with me.

That was literally been doing, and yet when i do, it’s problematic with you peeps. :man_facepalming:

So what i’m getting here is you want me to have bias when i look at heinous things and not look at them as they are. By this, you’re telling me to excuse the heinous things done on our side here, as i’ve pointed out to RosenIvy on Twitter here.

You tell me to be against discrimination, i’l be against all discrimination.
You tell me to be against threatening/wishing death, i’l be against all of that too.

But to you, that’s a problem if i don’t make exceptions.

If i join a group that is against doxing, and they dox others… what, you just want me to sit there and not call that out, but only call out those who aren’t in the group doing it?..

Is that the message i’m getting here? To simply have double standards?

“Listen to us Bari!”
Does so
“Don’t Listen to us Bari!”


Not me who just made number 19 yesterday…my first Kul Tiran as a timerunner, shaman but I don’t know how to play it so idk if I’ll stick with it. What’s your favorite?

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You are again twisting words and missing the point of the message entirely. It is very clear that you actually don’t want to get the message or actually listen. So I wish you well. But I will not engage further. I hope you have a great day.

I will also advise others not to engage. This topic has made several uncomfortable in this thread and this is meant to be a safe place. Let’s let this just drop please.