LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

…It’s not bait if it’s an actual objective fact.

Hatred begets Hatred. Or is it suddenly bad to quote MLKjr? :man_shrugging:

That’s fair. Neat you bring up Hairspray because John Waters is gonna show up for Helluvas 2nd half of season 2. That’s gonna be a blast.

I also just think its funny a show about hell has more of the disney spirit than modern disney



I listen to too many barber beats so I see paintings of him like a billion times, haha. The Fallen Angel really gets me. He looks so furious and sad and it’s very relatable.

Still curious how Satan is gonna be. He seemed more your typical “old school devil” in the teaser trailer ( Oh for context. Lucifer and Satan are different characters in this setting. )

All these years of wondering how Lucifer was gonna be and bro he’s just “If Roger Rabbit got a divorce and is going THRU IT” lol. But I adore him.


So all breaches of the Code of Conduct are the same? Wishing death on an already hated minority and comparing us to the worst of felons is exactly the same as, say, a minor masked profanity? That’s a ridiculous way to run a forum.

We don’t need you to tell us that. Of course we’re better than these hateful people attacking us. And being “better than” a bigot–or enabler–is a low bar. Stop telling us that we don’t even reach that bar unless we’re quiet and compliant doormats.

We shouldn’t have to constantly push back against bigotry on a video game forum. Especially when it’s supposedly against the rules. I, and others, came here to game and discuss the game, not constantly waste our time and energy defending our very right to exist.

And with that, done with you too. :wave:


Daw Bari saying I somehow doxxed someone awhile ago on twitter

Bet that made you feel like a man

Oh wait you have like. No audience over there.


Very good points across the board. The thing that gets me is that there are a hundred other threads right now full of people that would listen to them. But because one places refuses, that’s too far. This place is marked as a place for just us, but they still take the time to come in here, where they know they aren’t the focus, and say we aren’t doing it right and we should change. How can you take that as respectful? You forced us into a hole, you’re coming into the hole to tell us it isn’t shaped right, and you still insist we aren’t allowed to have a problem? So when does it become okay? When someone tells us they want to kill us? Been done here. When someone says we are all pedophiles? Been done here. When someone goes around threatening peoples “life spans”? Been done here. So what’s the step that is the step too far? I tell you we walked it a mile back. I for one am sick and tired of men with closed fists telling you to take a punch.


Have you seen The Sandman? Really like Gwendolyn Christie’s Lucifer.

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Has anyone here ever watched the anime Yuri on Ice?

Yeh she was cool. Just “Dangit he pulled the Hope card” lol

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I guess you’re against the charity to LGBT+ i’ve just put up then.

I’m deciding if I wanna sub to starz to watch Mary and George, I love a history drama for entertainment but I’m undecided

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You can talk about whatever you want.

You are also capable of being called out when you do. This isn’t hard to understand.

Inclusive does not mean “Include every single person” - it means “include anyone who believes in creating a safe environment for everyone involved.”

No, we don’t have to accept people who wish us dead because of who we are.

You aren’t giving your support. You’re trying to force your own ideals and beliefs rather than listen to the LGBTQ+ people telling you that you are wrong.

Allies do not use their own voice. They uplift the voices of the minorities with their privilege.

And again, we do not have to be accepting or inclusive of people who are making things an unsafe or toxic environment. This isn’t rocket science.

I’m stopping reading here because it’s clear you just don’t want to listen or understand.


Just so that people understand though:

And that is what was done. If there was mutual combativeness, that should not be a football-style “The penalties offset” situation - each offense should be addressed as needed.


sleepily walks into thread

Good morning everyone


Here, have a cuppa, and ignore the fires…


You’ve been on Forum long enough Maizou. You should know Baridorielor is pure leftist by now. Unless you just don’t keep attention to forum regular trolls. Just block him in move on XD


It is kind of hard to call this “hanging out” when you’re the one here arguing against people on the forums, then also turning to twitter wishing for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to be banned as well from the forums.


Good morning, and good night.

I need sleep now. :sleeping: