LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Taking posts out of context into individual sentences like you do, isn’t reading.


this is one of my favorite recordings. Elton is on fire here, and it’s so raw…


Quoting isn’t taking posts out of context.

That says more about you if you think the normal way people do on the forums is taking out of context.

So with all due respect, do some reading. I highly recommend it.

Thanks for proving the point

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Well i’m sorry that quoting people apparently makes it difficult for you to read my comments… But i don’t do paraphrasing.

If you want people to understand what you’re saying in full context, this is how they do it. It’s normal.

It’s really telling of people here on the forums that they think the normal way to respond to somebody is somehow… alien.

Why are you still here? You don’t respect LGBT people’s autonomy, you’ve done nothing but argue, multiple people have told you you’re wrong, but you are still here why? Are you waiting for one of us to come by and say “you know, actually buddy, I love a little boot on my salad”? Because it’s not going to happen. If you’re only here to argue and shame people then you should probably realize you’re in a space that’s not for you.


Don’t think I ever said it was difficult to read? I said you were taking it out of context on a sentence-by-sentence basis vs responding to a post as a whole. Which you literally did with my post. Try harder troll.


Because Forums is public.

And i choose to be in places i wish to be.

If you dislike that, then that’s not my problem.

I actually do. I think at this point, you have a problem that i’m an acquaintance of the LGBT+ and giving my support, trying to give some friendly advice to other LGBT+ about the oppisition and my thoughts on an idea passed here.

“How dare you don’t blindly agree with me?!”

I don’t think being discriminating me is being right… If anything, that’s wrong.

Why you still think this wrong assessment of my comment? Again, Where i’ve said “be friends with bigots”? You’ve come up with that in your own head.

Shame people for what?

How’s giving advice shaming?..

Or do you mean shame people for bigotry?

Isn’t that what you peeps are telling me that’s what i need do pretty much?? :expressionless: :palm_up_hand:

My opinions won’t change regardless if i did or not, so i wouldn’t expect that if i were you…

Quoting is normal and it’s not taking anybody out of context. Infact, i can’t take you out of context because i’m responding to you, right there. That’s how quoting works. If anything, you seem to be taking my comments out of context here. :thinking:

I don’t think you know what that word means


Is the goal to get this thread locked, too? If so, keep up the bickering and the constant back-and-forth trolling of each other.

The reason yesterday’s abhorrent thread was deleted without any obvious punishment was the mutually combative nature of the discussion. If everyone had just reported without engaging, the bigots probably would’ve been suspended from the forums.

All I currently know of Elton John was when he showed up for a gorillaz song.

Didn’t much care for the more recentish Gorillaz with the whole Song Machine thing. But man. Their songs fun

…Isn’t the idea of this thread be like a spot for LGBT+ and non LGBT+ to hang alike?..

Your idea of an acquaintance is mental and you need to get that worked out.

Forcing yourself into a space and causing up trouble is not “being an acquaintance”

You’re just annoying and breaking one of the main rules of the thread itself


Yeah and you’ve done nothing but cause arguments. That’s not hanging out


Not my problem.

I’ve been here since the very beginning of this thread and even supported it.

But i guess to you it doesn’t matter because i disagreed with somebody one time… Despite the fact i’ve supported the two threads, despite the fact i’ve called out bigotry, despite the fact i’ve linked charity links.

…How’s saying “This idea wouldn’t work” is being annoying?

What exactly makes you so sure the whole moderation of likes wouldn’t come back to bite you on the butt here, or would work 100% flawlessly then?

You guys (rightfuly so) complain about the other thread not being given the proper punishment, and yet turn around and say things like this, knowing full well it wouldn’t work?.. Were’s the logic here?

ANY WAY, as dissatisfied as everyone else with the tepid handling of that thread by the mods and thus questioning their respectability, “they people who had horrific things said at them got mad so that disavalls any punishment for people saying horrible stuff” is not a stance operated on.


Your only comments in this thread are complaining that the conversation isn’t as flowery as you’d like. If you want to talk about LGBTQ rights you’re more than welcome, but you’re not welcome to come into their space and tell the, how to act or what to say to people who want to hurt them. The door says LGBTQ+ thread, it doesn’t say “suggestion box,” it doesn’t say “debate hall,” and if you keep using it as those, you can go.


“Mutually combative”? People here weren’t saying the same things to OP and their crew that they were saying to and about us. Stop with the false equivalence.

And no, “just ignore them” has been proven repeatedly, throughout history, to not work. It results in only the bigots expressing themselves, while their victims remain silent.

If you’re right about why people who broke the forum rules on hate speech and death threats weren’t punished, then it shows two things 1) the forum CoC is virtually useless and 2) Blizzard makes no distinctions between bigots and their victims. All the more reason for me to re-consider continuing to give them my business.


Yall remember when we were told “just ignore the t squad threads”

So we did

And it didn’t stop?