LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Is that somehow against the rules?

That’s not for me to decide.

What I and other’s can decide though is if you like posts demanding horrible things happen to Queer people and that they should be removed from WoW, is that you are a horrible person due to what you support and want to happen.


I don’t disagree. I am opposed, however to keeping secret lists of people with whose thoughts we disagree.


There’s a fine line to be had sure, but some of this is well past that line and so someone liking it isn’t something that can be argued from the pov of being a misunderstanding or them liking only a part of it.

And it’s the same “secret” list they keep on all accounts, the notes, the actions taken, all the infractions, etc


And bad thoughts, apparently.

Let’s take care of the people doing and saying reprehensible things.

again, publicly liking and supporting a post for all to see is not a “thought”


I just seen this post but I always find all of your GIF’s ever so lovely and that’s in addition to finding you yourself to be so lovely so I look forward to seeing whatever you happen to do honestly because I already know it’s going to be amazing. ILY!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Name: Furrfist
Server: Frostmourne


Endorsing a statement equating people like me and others here, with child predators, is doing a reprehensible thing.


If their thoughts are “Hey those people shouldn’t have rights anymore and should be dead” then I really don’t care about their feelings at this point

“Oh noooo you can’t talk. But did you die?”


Period. Discussions/arguments are fine. Especially when it’s phrased in a way where they want to engage in honest conversation. I’ve had several of those both online and IRL with people of different religions and such.

But when there’s comments saying the most heinous things and making false accusations to basically dehumanize a group of people then that’s not a discussion. That’s a deliberate attempt to spread fear and hatred to build a false narrative to then push for certain dehumanizing policies. Given the increasing amount of LGBTQ+ related violence we’re seeing, this should not be encouraged because this does have real life ramifications.

And all over what exactly? TV shows and video games? These people should really think that they’re okay with harming people over the long term over gay frogs/horses. It’s wild.

I feel like the people who then try to minimize the impact of that with “you can’t handle it when someone disagrees with you???” is honestly part of the problem because they’ll truly do the most to control people’s reactions instead of addressing the people who are initiating such comments to begin with (and usually with intentional malicious intent to cause a specific reaction to begin with).


There’s also one or two posters going around, logging into their alts, and flagging the same post over and over again until it gets removed for a while. Which, why is that allowed? You know who one of them is. Pretty much every terrible person in that thread did something that should actually get them banned on the forums, but they are still around. Even the person who made it. That’s what I think is reprehensible.


And the poster of that thread even brought it into another one, admitted to their intent (I’ve kept a screenshot of that, it’s important to have record), and then doubled down.


Exactly, so at this point I see nothing but complicity to be honest. The thread was up all day, nobody was punished for the terrible things they said, I don’t care how shortstaffed they are, no excuse will be good enough. I know I don’t feel safe around here at all anymore.


That’s sounds like it would do more harm then good. Even in the topic of bigotry, given how some people are often extreme, they will even threaten or wish harm on others for not agreeing. (Which happens on both sides as we’ve seen with HL protesters, and some places like on Reddit)

“Hey you clicked a button on something we dislike! so that means you must be punished! Button = publicly endorse!”

I get it, Trans rights are humans rights, LGBT rights are human rights, and etc, but i don’t think we should sink to the bigot’s level here by trying to enforce a button.

Even if we don’t sink to their level, Giving everybody this sort of tool in their hands would be pretty bad and it wouldn’t just discourage bigots form liking, but anybody from liking out of fear of being banned despite them not saying anything to break the rules, even if the thing they liked is benign. And people do get banned or get in trouble over benign and inoffensive things.

Also worth noting: you have your profile hidden. Very contradictory to your own idea.

Show me any increase lately in non lgbt hate crimes thanks to hatred being so casually left to run amok online. I’ll wait


Or maybe you can discuss how this idea Lannis has suggested will hurt you guys too.

This isn’t just a LGBT vs Anti- LGBT. When applied equally, people will use the same tools against you, as you do against them, and for anything as well. And considering the war and what’s going on over there, things will just only get messy quick when it reaches to that point.

Maybe just maybe, punishing people for something they didn’t say until they explain themselves or do something that confirms they are a bigot from their own words or actions, is a bad idea.

It’s a “Everybody is guilty until proven innocent.” type of situation that is no more or less different then what Bigots often do. This also just paints anybody who wish or are not involved as bad pretty much. And this does nothing to help the LGBT+. If anything, it just plays into the anti-LGBT’s hands pretty much.

Same. I’ve sent an email to telling them that the refusal to hold these people accountable–to enforce their own forum rules against hate speech and death threats–is contributing to an unsafe environment and society.

I’m seriously considering leaving the game after my subscription runs out. I don’t want to give my money to a company that pretends to care about LGBTQ+ people, but ignores their own rules and looks the other way while we’re threatened and victimized on a regular basis.


First of all, let me lead off with telling you to stay in your lane. You don’t get to ever tell a LGBT person the right or wrong way to be who they are. It’s not my job to appease bigots by existing according to their rules. They exist around me only when I allow it in mine. You don’t know anything about what helps us because you don’t, especially with that rhetoric. Full stop.

Second, you don’t need to let anyone confirm their intentions when they have it painted on their face. If someone shows support for something, I don’t need to ask them why. If someone likes a post saying something homophobic or racist, I’m not going to ask for the circumstances because I’m not disingenuous.


…if we keep lists of people who agree with sentiments calling us predators, or threatening us, they might…keep lists of us too? They already do that and worse.

Liking a post saying “LGBTQ+ people are [expletive or claim]” IS an action. I looked at several of those users, and a number of them I recognized from posts in which they themselves made their politics very clear.

I agree with Sayawa–stay in your lane. Stop telling us we don’t have the right to protect ourselves, to keep track of people who hate us and wish us harm. Especially since this proposal would involve no personal info but someone’s forum handle. Or, at the very least, don’t claim you care about us or our rights.