LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Yes, I hope everyone is doing okay. phara bunny hugs small That was a wild ride.

So, since I making a post and that’s difficult enough, I have something to ask.

Some here know that I don’t feel much like making GIFs anymore. But, here recently I decided to make one for June. It’s going to be a pride parade GIF within areas in-game, which was one I was going to make something similar two years ago, but I my anxiety and fear got the better of me because I didn’t want some to hate me. Anyways, I’ve been trying to be myself now instead hiding to please others. So, I’m revisiting this GIF idea, starting over. I’m still working on the background work over the last couple of evenings. However, I can’t give an estimate of how long it will take me to finish, since I struggle with wanting to make any GIF anymore plus I’m not doing so well mentally anyways. But, it’s a fairly simple production but not quick to finish (I spent 5-6 hours Tuesday night and 2-ish last night so far…it’s going to be long in relation to most GIFs). I thought about waiting until my birthday—which is in the middle of the month—to release it, but I think it’ll be earlier.

Anyway, it’s not going to be much of a parade with just me and the 3 people I asked directly in it. I have some extreme anxiety, so I’m not one who is brave enough to go to an event IRL. I’d have to go somewhere larger, what with many of the smaller-community ones here in my state cancelling pride events last year for fear of backlash and possible violence. So…beyond the in-game troll march, this GIF is a way I can feel comfortable celebrating. If anyone would like to have their character participate, please let me know either on here or through discord DMs if I’m in a discord server with you (if you do want in, please tell me charcter+server so I don’t make mistakes).

If no one wants to be in the GIF with me, that’s fine too. But, I just thought I would ask because I won’t put anyone in this one without their permission. Either way, thanks to everyone for being kind as I try to just be myself rather than not sharing anything.


Awww that’s awesome! hugs


I would be happy to help out if you want and or need people. It sounds like a fun idea!

You can contact me through here or my Btag is Weston#11211 sadly I don’t know what any of the discord groups are, So not much help through there.

If you find people who are very enthusiastic and really wanting to do this and have limited space available. Of course select those people before myself.


Varidra: Shadow Council

Although I can make a character on a different server as well to help make everything easier


I’ll go! :blue_heart:


You are quite the gif-smith


If you don’t have enough bodies I can help, but definitely prioritize others who asked over me.


So, I should make it clear how I am creating this. If you give me the character(s)+server name you would like to be in this, I can use that to be able to a pose the character and animate the character properly to capture video in a way that I can compose the scenes in a way where they work with the work I’ve done and so everyone is able to fit in the GIF.

So, it’s not a parade happening live. If you want to still be in it, just tell me what characters you would like.

Also, though what I am doing is a non-realtime GIF, if you do also want to join me (hopefully I get to make it!) and other players live, in-game, Warcraft Cares does an in-game march. This year, I believe it is on June 29th on the Feathermoon server starting in the troll starting area, but I’m sure Dravvie or others will post with more info before then.

Also, I’m afraid I can’t read the minds of those who gave likes :blue_heart:s to my post but didn’t respond: I’m not sure if you want to be in it or not, unless you actually say so. If you want to be in, you’ll have to explicitly say so otherwise I won’t include your character because I don’t feel a like and permission is the same, okay? :people_hugging:


Varidra: Shadow Council

Permission given :smiling_face:


Ohhh ok. Feel free to use Spacefloozy - Stormrage if you want!

edit – I’m not actually LGBT+, though, so again, you can consider me lower priority than any actual community members who want to be in this. I don’t want to take away a spot from someone else.


That’s super cool.

Zioz - Moon Guard.


(Image from the Warcraft Cares discord server.)

Looks like we just need the time :smile:


First I’ve heard of Warcraft Cares myself, I would like to know more.


They’re the community that organizes the Gnome and Troll runs. Here are all their links for those who want to learn more:


Pharazon, you have my full and explicit permission to use Nightsong of Mannoroth.

May your days be many and filled with the happiness you need.

Nightsong - currently lost in the timeways with the Infinite Flight.


Please count me in. Lokî - Steamwheedle Cartel.


This life that we call our own
Is neither strong nor free;
A flame in the wind of death,
It trembles ceaselessly.

And this all we can do
To use our little light
Before, in the piercing wind,
It flickers into night:

To yield the heat of the flame,
To grudge not, but to give
Whatever we have of strength,
That one more flame may live.

  • Dorothea Mackellar

That seems a little… Orwellian. You’re suggesting that we hold people accountable not for their deeds or their words, but for their thoughts. Doesn’t that strike you as the sort of thing fascists do?


The click of that like button was an action in support of the words written within.


Yeah, it wasn’t a thought kept to oneself and oneself only, it was a public endorsement of the post and the words in it.



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