LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Yeah, the closing of Tango Gameworks was just unexpected and sad. In terms of just raw, pure fun, it was easily my favorite of last year. Plus, I’ve been a sucker for cel-shading in 3d, falling in love with it when I first laid on Jet Grind Radio. The team at Tango did an amazing job in aesthetics with Hi-Fi Rush.


Also I’ve just never seen a game where a character is just. VIOLENTLY Jojo posing. I say violent as in the dude just doesn’t stop lol.

I even named my Goblin Monk after the character that’s doing it.

Any game where they go “Okay we have a soundtrack but we also made another soundtrack for streamers so yall don’t get copyright strikes” is a gem.


I’m wondering if I should make an attempt to befriend my elderly neighbors son. I’m pretty sure he’s trans because many years ago when I was a child I saw him early in his transition as he was moving out. At least I think it was him. I was like 10 so not 100% positive.

Would it be weird if try approaching him especially since he’s so much older? What about bringing up trans stuff? I think I’m pretty visibly trans so maybe it’d happen on it’s own.

Idk what to do, but it would be nice to have a trans friend irl especially another trans man. (Although idk if he’s just visiting atm or if he moved back in to help his mom in her old age.)


Meanwhile on Remix:

Horde players who never played MoP watching in horror as Garrosh attempts to murder a 12 year old boy because he turned his weapon of mass destruction into a weapon of peace:

Horde players who never played MoP watching in horror as Garrosh has Vol’jin assassinated (granted it fails) merely because he wasn’t okay with meaningless slaughter and creating flesh beasts to serve as slaves:

Alliance players who never played MoP watching in horror as the Alliance captain orders her soldiers to gun down defenseless Orcs trying to swim to safety:

Alliance players who never played MoP watching in horror as the order to arrest the Sunreavers is upgraded to remove the Sunreavers from Dalaran by any means necessary:

(Even if I personally think the last one was justified, after we learned in Legion that Aethas, the leader of the Sunreavers, knew of the plan to let Garrosh into Darnassus and didn’t stop it. [And regrets it immensely] despite the fact Jaina expressly told him that it is his job to make sure the Sunreavers don’t break their neutrality again, and if they did, their blood would be on his hands, not hers. Shockingly, if your leader tells you there will be consequences if something happens and it’s your job to stop it before it does and you stand by and allow it to happen, consequences should in fact happen.)

I dont think remix has the Durotar/Barrens questline, or else I’d also include:

Horde players who never played MoP watching in horror as Garrosh orders the Kor’kron to start feeding the Darkspear trolls to Proto Drakes.

(Like I don’t think people realize how bad it got for Vol’jin/the trolls in MoP for him to literally go into Stormwind and beg the Alliance for help lol)

Also, The amount of homophobia on twitter because they had Anduin mention he misses Wrathion on alpha is insane.

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My mom passed away last night. I’m having a hard time holding it together, but doing my best for my sisters. So if you see me being extra snarky on the forums, that’s probably why. I’m doing my best trying to distract my brain, but it’s very emotionally charged right now.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Losing a parent is never easy. :people_hugging:


I’m sorry to hear. /hug

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I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. Wishing you as much strength as possible right now.


I am so sorry to hear that



I am very sorry to hear that. Wishing you well and sending lots of hugs. Losing family is never an easy thing.


im so sorry. this has been such a year. itll be ok. just remember ur mom will
always be with u and watching over u n family. sending lots of love and good blessings ur way mai

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phew close one. a lil baby bird was in the backyard and peach ( new dog just for those that don’t know ) kept trying to chase it. got her in time since while peach is a good girl, i just wanna be careful with prey drive. i tried to scoop the lil guy up but they could fly ( not well but enough ) so they got to the other yard to safety

lil dude didn’t seem hurt, just obviously startled

and i saw bigger birds nearby so im guessing thats the parents

nothing appeared broken. i think they just got scared and didn’t have enough time to take off before they sorta hopped against the wall and got stuck in the corner. Once I saw it was flying okay I took Peach inside so the parents wouldn’t get even more stressed.

Altho it was cute to just be slowly trying to scoop the bird up just all “I got you lil dude” before the baby flew off to the next yard.


Sounds like it was learning to fly.

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Well it definitely got a lesson lol. I’ll have to hook Peach’s harness back on in case I gotta grab hold of her. She’s a strong dog but knows if we’re holding onto the harness then that means stop.


This dang dog I swear lol

Mom has a habit of letting Peach play outside with no supervision. ( Fair, Mom is busy and can’t watch her all the time )

Well. Turns out our neighbors fence had juuuuuuuust enough space for her to wiggle under so Mom just sees her wandering around the neighbors backyard.

Yeaah we gotta nip that in the bud. Thankfully this specific neighbor knows Peach is just a puppy. He calls her Kiddo if he’s out and sees her. I just wanna be a good owner because Peach is a Bully Breed. I don’t want people to be scared.

We blocked off the weak spot in the fence for now. I might leave a note on the neighbors door just to give a heads up in case this happens again. I always go out with her if I’m the one taking her outside. I’m trying my best @_@


After yesterday, I just want to make sure everyone here is doing well, and remind you all that you’re appreciated.


The moderators should start taking count on who likes threads that are bigoted tbh, we see the same ppl in the likes supporting bigots time and time again even if they themselves aren’t posting anything. And perma bans for ppl posting the type of bigoted troll content, bcz why do they always come back.


If the same people are in the likes of bigoted threads every time that’s purposeful and the moderators when looking at these threads that get 404d should note that.




Nah, he intentionally Godwin’d this…