LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I added this in my post at the last second so in case you didn’t see this part. Are you aware of the Travis the chimp incident?

Ah okay you saw it sorry typed fast. And yes. That very chimp. Think of that incident if you check the movie out. I recommend it.


I think so it’s the lady that got attacked by her pet chimp I believe ya?


Well the owners friend was the one that got attacked. But yeah.

Honestly I checked it out after seeing some video talking about how Logan Paul didn’t like the movie. After watching the movie. Yeah no wonder the guy that exploits humans and animals for content didn’t like the movie talking about how stupid and dangerous that is. Dumb dumb, lol


That’s like the Milo and Ottis movie… when I was a kid I was like “awe cute!” then I heard later about what happened to the animals to make the movie and I was so sad. :frowning:


yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that was a depressing watch just seeing cats getting yeeted off cliffs and trying to scramble up it to get out of the rushing water.


Yeah. I didn’t think they would use real cats and not stuffed animals or something. It was very bad and I feel horrible for all the kitties / doggos.

They don’t know why things like that happen and I feel so bad for animals that get mistreated.


Thankfully things are at least somewhat better. It ain’t like the old days where folks were just “Hey we need a scene where a horse is running full gallop and gets tripped and falls badly. Lets just do that to a real horse”

Helps recently there’s actors out there that will act as the animal and get done over with CG so no animals are harmed. That happens in Nope too.

Heck even PETA noticed something like that octopus eating scene in The Boys and gave the show kudos because they used a CG octopus and not a real one. A very rare Peta W


Yeah, my heart was crushed when I read about Milo & Otis on the internet after nearly wearing out the VHS when a kid.


Ha yea, never look into any movies you watched as a kid that heavily featured animals

It’s always gunna be baaaaad


Yeah. Just don’t take it out on the child version of you. Ya’ll didn’t know. Kid you at least enjoyed all the stuff they went through.

I’d think it’d be worse if those animals died for nothing. Even controversial movies like Cannibal Holocaust at least ate the animals they killed on camera.


Sorry I’m getting upset thinking about all the stuff so sorry if I didn’t respond.

I just wish I could get all those hurt babies hugs and love and everything they deserve.

Sad fox noises


I want to watch that movie solely because it’s so notorious

But then butchering a turtle among other things solely for the movie just doesn’t sit right with me, so I can’t make myself so it

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Totes fair. I get it.

I used to be one of those weirdos that watched real gore when I was younger. ( DONT. DO. THAT. ) I don’t anymore after a certain video involving a car and a brick. Not gonna go fully into detail about it. But I’m just bringing it up because I know that its important to understand your own limits when it comes to this stuff. Fiction or real stuff.


Yea used to watch some of that as well many years ago, now I don’t want to see it at all

Which sucks due to people very obsessively posting any videos they can find from war stuff with 0 warning or anything and then you see a video for 3 second and half of a guy explode

Fictional gore is whatever though

Yeah twitter can be bad with that stuff so I’m just glad I stay out of that bubble.

Fictional stuff for me depends. Like. Yeah. I watched a lot of gore back then because my logic was “If I just observe what happens, I won’t be so terrified of dying” ( Look it made sense at the time. I was unmedicated and not in therapy when this was going on. )

Then there’s also the me that can’t to this day watch that scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit when the shoe gets dipped into The Dip. Nope. Can’t do it. Childhood trauma going STRONG still with that lol.


It sounds like you learned from it and had empathy and regret which is a good thing.

I can watch horror movies cause I know it’s fake and “movie magic” and I like the movie magic stuff with special effects.

regarding the turtle it sucks that they did kill an animal for a movie, but least they ate it and it didn’t go to waste I suppose? Still sucks though they didn’t need to use a real turtle :people_hugging:


Yeah its an actually morally grey issue with that movie. But back then that was oddly more caring to the animal than how animals were treated before. They at least respected the life of the animal instead of just “Okay throw it out. Bring in another turtle”

Least now things are better.


My days have been all over the place over the past couple of weeks…really down low to okay-enough to falling off a cliff to up fairly high. Today is…okay so far, but I know not everyone here has had the luxury of even “okay-enough” lately or maybe for quite a while. All, I can offer is sharing of the friendly caring and love that bubbles up and spills out the top of my heart :blue_heart:. That and virtual hugs :dracthyr_heart:. I care about everyone that posts in here who is sincere and the good-hearted posters outside of this topic (and, who am I kidding, I worry and care about a lot who are…not-as-good or just mean or self-absorbed…I can’t help but care). I love you all.

And, if your days are bright and your hearts full of love and hope, then I wish for that to continue to be true. If you are down too low and feel empty or alone or just not where you want to be, I wish your days may be brighter, your health be improved, and your hearts be wrapped in love. I know wishing and hoping for that for everyone is just a dream, and virtual hugs on the Internet are not much versus the struggles everyone faces out in the real world; however, those and thoughts of love and compassion are all I have to give through here besides the GIFs (which, I always try to make those for those who I observe may need a little pick-me-up the most…I would give out more just little kindness ones if I had it in me…yet, as some know, I’m not really making any for a good long while here going forward except possibly one in June— don’t know yet—because of some issues I’m dealing with that relate to making them).

I love ya’ll and wish you the best :people_hugging: :dracthyr_heart:. I don’t make a lot of responses directly to posts about the issues that those on here and in various discords or in-game may mention. But, I do actually read and think about everything that people are struggling with that I manage to not accidentally miss. I worry and catastrophize right along with you, and I always wish for the best possible outcome to anything going on in your lives (and that extends to posters and friends beyond the borders of this thread too). If I don’t respond, it’s because I either don’t have any insight into what is ailing you, or my communication issues are not allowing me to write the response I want to write and can’t move forward with responding.

Also, I’d make everyone a GIF (or 3 or 10) if I could…just because you haven’t got one doesn’t mean you didn’t deserve one or that you didn’t need one and I failed to notice or maybe didn’t have the creative, mental, and emotional bandwidth to carry through and make one for you.

Anyone thinking of hearting :blue_heart: me, Phara, instead do a favor for me: look through either this thread or any other that has posts from forum members you like and care about—especially if they maybe seem off from normal or mention struggling—and give them a :blue_heart: and maybe reply or otherwise message them saying you care.


Couldn’t agree more friend.

Sorry it’s been a few all. Getting used to new digs here in Illinois.
It’s been crazy but good. Lots of real Chicago pizzas, tried my first Chicago dog last week…OMG YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!

And now another adjustment. My spawn…I mean son, has been trying to reach me so we can finally sit down and have a long conversation and answer his questions he has.

His adoption was an open adoption and we left it that way so if the day came he could reach me and ask whatever he needs to.

Sent a reply message last night now the ball in in his court. I keep asking myself would this have happened if I was still in Iowa, probally not. I still feel there are reasons unknown to me for moving here and this seems to apparently be one of them.

not holding hopes out too high am going to wait and see. I hope he replies to my reply but I’m not going to push the messages. I am going to let him take it at his pace.

Note we havent seen or talked in over 15 years.


Was just outside for a bit to take out the trash cans. Our new pup just suddenly walks up by me when she should be in the backyard. So she figured out how to open the gate to catch up to me.

Welp. That’s gonna be a problem lol. Just gotta chain up the door but it was still funny to be “HOW IN THE HECK DID YOU GET OUT!?!?” without having her think she was in trouble.

Least she didn’t go out running. She just caught up to me with that big ol pit bull smile like “Hi. I did a smart” lol.

Now she’s just sleeping by my door the lil goober.