LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

See now I’m reminded of Poison from Street Fighter. And how the fandom embraced her identity even though it was created for a pretty messed up reason.

For those unaware. Way back in the 90s. Capcom pulled a “Uhhhhh yeah that henchman LOOKS like a woman but you’re totally not hitting a woman. That’s just a trans person” because back then it wasn’t great to see a woman getting punched in a game. So they claimed she was a trans person to work around that.

Fans of her do not care and just love her anyway. Rather than your typical “ew boys, icky” gamer reaction


To expand on this a little, Poison (and her palette swap Roxy) were enemy characters in the beat-em-up Final Fight. When that game was released in the US for the SNES, Nintendo of America didn’t want people to beat up girls (which is bizarre since Street Fighter 2 came out in the US only about 6 months later and features Chun-Li, one of the most popular female characters ever) and complained about their inclusion in the game. It was at that point that her creator, Akira Yasuda of Capcom, claimed they’re trans.

Nintendo of America didn’t like that either, so they were changed to male characters named Billy and Sid and given new male sprites. Since then, Akira has stated that “Poison is whatever the fans want her to be” which is pretty cool. Her first Street Fighter appearance was Street Fighter 4, and she also appeared again in Street Fighter 5 as well as cameos in several other games.

(Personally, as someone who pumped a gazillion quarters into the Final Fight arcade game, which does include Poison and Roxy and was not subject to any meddling from Nintendo, I suspect the real issue was not that they’re female, but when they are struck in combat, they lean back in such a way that their skimpy shirts ride up and you can see copious amounts of underboob. As we know in the US, gratuitous violence is ok, but boobs are the devil!)


Ty for elaborating. I just know surface level fighting game stuff.

I just think its cute to see your typical gamer bro still be like “Dude she’s HOT” rather than the reaction you’d expect from that stereotype.


Everybody loves Poison. She cute.


She do be cute. That’s actually a really pretty shade of pink for her hair.




Her music tracks are both fabulous bangers too.


I hope Poison gets added into Street Fighter 6.

Whenever I see an anime char with pink hair I know they’re gonno eat


Are legion invasion ques not just like instant, im sitting here waiting and the invasion ends soon like, super annoying actually.


I know that life is not always kind, but I wish everyone the best day possible. I love all of the good people here. :dracthyr_heart:


Usually I can find a group but it might be that it’s a new season so most people are getting geared up and doing timewalking so no one was available for invasion. Let us know next time we can group up

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dracthyr_heart:


Wish I knew, I could’ve joined and helped out. As Furr said, people most likely a gearing for the new season, so may not be as much people in older content.

I think after all tonights drama here on the forums, some kind and lovely words is all all I need see

:dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


I try. I ain’t perfect and I make mistakes but I try to learn from those mistakes.



Just chilling and watching that movie “Nope”. What a fun movie, yall see it?


I have not. What’s it about?


And I think it is time for me to get some sleep. Hope everyone has a wonderful stressfree day or night


Good night Ayukama /hug


Sci fi horror movie about horse trainers trying to figure out what the heck is going on at their ranch and what killed their dad.

The overall themes are nice and I dig the sound design. Trying to do this without spoilers. But overall the movie is talking about the dangers of exploitation. Stuff like exploiting animals for hollywood. Stuff like a spectacle. And how humans kinda can’t help but look at things we shouldn’t.

Are you aware of the Travis the chimp incident by any chance?


Sounds interesting!

I think so. That’s the lady that had the pet chimp that attacked her ya?

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