LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Atleast you’re not in the realm of the dead or getting told you can not escape the maw. You unlock the glider in those zones though.


i have mixed feelings about chronomancer, but it was also trash tier when i was actively playing and i really don’t know what balance looks like right now.

staff/staff or staff/sword/pistol mirage, though… :pinched_fingers:

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Also can I just say Sayeh is absolute bae. Idk if she has a prominent role in the story but from what I saw in the base game I LOVE her


hot is hard for most players but its really fun. the good thing is gw2 is one of the most friendliest game so if you see ppl doing stuff just go along with it or ask for help ppl will come and get a hold of the game. hot also has meta trains that u can do to follow the commander (a player/mentor that guides players to events n stuff) to get some free skill points. even if u dont got a glider or mounts some trains provide mesmer portalist to help.
also play what u like. i was told elementist was bad for a decade and just finally went with it and i enjoy it lol.

its a fun casual game for sure. youll never be behind but i just dont find the combat that engaging. its too “blob” and its the same in wvw so its just a game i turn my mind off and bounce after an hour or so lol.


twice the work for half the damage but it’s real fun :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

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u must not play wvw lmao but even then i run tempest most of the time bc i wanna support


Speaking of games, I found this silly, free, single-player one the other day where you get to be an evil pomi. The only thing is you have to change the language from Japanese to English, lol.


I log into GW2 usually once a year and get my anniversary chests :rofl: It’s another one that I played early but the friends and coworkers I played it with dropped off. Besides logging in sometimes last year, the last time I sat down and actually played it was in 2018 for a little while with a friend who had never played it. GW2 is fun (and GW1 had it’s fun too—55hp monk life—as limited as the game was), but it’s like “I don’t even play enough WoW let alone find time for something else”. :person_shrugging:

Last year? when Nori got me to login one day, so I grabbed my character birthday gifts and log back out. sigh.

I saw that linked somewhere, and I meant to send it to Fuzz! I haven’t tried it out yet though :dog: :art:


been playing gw2 also. Main’s a Guard and just finished the SotO campaign - well, up to the current cap


The other games I have been on recently are SWToR and Secret World, though I just got started on Palia on Steam and am having some fun there.

Still firmly entrenched in WoW though, for the forseeable future.


I don’t understand GW2 at all, I am such a noob on that game! I bought the newest (I think) expansion four months ago and have never been to the new zone, I don’t even know how to get there LOL!


I trade off between wow and swtor tbh although i never seem to play during a galactic season ijbol or come in at the end


How’s SotO? I heard people complaining it felt unfinished.

Also after gearing up my Mesmer a bit, things are SO much more easier. Was able to kill the boss in Living World Season 1 Episode 2. Having so much more fun now summoning phantasms and blinking around

Usually gotto go to your story journal and click “Continue This Story”. Then find the green indicators in the map which will guide you.

Also I was out book shopping and went to buy War of the Scaleborn. Kinda exited to read and the cover is cool


SotO feels more like content in-between a proper expansion and a living world season (Like the Icebrood Saga). It’s good - and I dig that Patty Mattson voices one of the main characters so I don’t feel like I’m completely away from WoW.

The new legendary crafting looks much more attainable because now you don’t need to raid to get it. The zones and music are awesome and the voice acting is great, too. The premise feels a bit outta left field, but the more the story unfolds, the more ‘natural’ it feels, too.


Ugh, just had the worse night ever. I went to meet my partner at Port Botany, as he was in Sydney for an hour to unload. Things went well, only got to spend an hour though with him, but an hour is better than no time. As he went back to his truck, I found myself getting t-boned by a red light runner. Worse part is, the other driver then decided to take off, making it a hit and run. So, waited for the police, had to get my car towed, and my partner throught to give me a lift back to my house to drop me off in his truck.

10 minutes drive from home, he gets pulled over for an RBT, and well, he somehow failed a drug test, making us both having to walk. He also had to call for a tow to move his truck as it was technically stopped on the side of the road where it was a clearaway zone, and ended up having to walk the rest of the night home. And then to make things worse. Like, wow, bad luck just hit both me and my man. He is upset that he failed that roadside drug test, though he is trying to work out how he tested positive when he doesn’t even touch any drugs, and I got a mess with insurance to sort out since the other driver fled the scene.


wow, that sounds absolutely horrible! I’m so sorry to read that


Oh my goodness /hug that stinks!


Like, why did this have to happen to the both of us :sob:

Though my partner did try and look at the bright side of things. He said atleast we can be together more often.

EDIT: I should’ve actually corrected, he just technically can’t drive for 24 hours if tested positive roadside, he has to wait for a blood test to come back before whether he loses his license or or not.


Wishing you two the best.


I’m sorry you are going through this sis but I’m also always here for you if you want it or need it just ping me.

I couldn’t decide which GIF to use so I used both. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: