LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

That’s Palmon, I remember because I’m a super big fan of Lilimon and Rosemon. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


My uneducated addition is that terms change, individuals change, but empathy, curiosity and kindness should be bedrock. I think it’s important for humans to acknowledge that and be open to change and let others express themselves - safely and without harm to others, which isn’t in question here at all.

We could probably come up with a term, but what about in a different language? In a different time? In a different place?

Imagine if we felt the need to label others based on their proclivity to wake up earlier than normal. Would we have different terms for “morning person” or “night owl,” or have stratification within society based on those differences? Lol a “night owl” bar with “night owl only” and a “morning person” sections can really paint that - for me - into perspective.

ETA: I should also add that I write the above with the realization that I am someone that spawned with very good base stats: I am privileged to be born white, male, straight and middle/upper class. So, my privileged position is such that I never had to worry about titles or labels or terms like that, and it’s probably a pretty egotistical position to take. “Lol, bro, don’t worry about terms!” (Easy to say when I’ve never had too…, speaking of empathy :scream::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)


You know how nice it would be to actually have night owl stuff back?

There used to be 24 hour stores and nothing beat going to walmart at 3 am.


I wish I could know Digimon. I can barely remember a lot of the Pokemon…


Digimon has so many different digimon in it it’s unreal.


Well to be fair there’s far less Digimon than Pokémon so that’s 100% understandable.


The only “electronic pet” I ever owned was a tamagotchi. I never played Pokémon. Does that count?


OMG… I haven’t heard of that in a very long time.


We got one for our daughter recently. I don’t think she really liked it, but I tried helping her not kill it.


I didnt know they still made those


Unless the one I got was, uh, a rescue, it appears they’re still being made :upside_down_face:


Thanks all on your thoughts on this. I do really appreciate it. I was just curious, and though pigeonholing unique individuals into groups that might not perfectly fit is probably not wise, I was just feeling like looking for something to belong to larger in terms of gender than the singular Pharazon category. It’s like I’ve good bead on where I am orientation wise for a long time, decades, and I’ve always been what I am in terms of gender expression; however, I just don’t really know how better categorize that to better connect with others.

Like I said, it’s all good though. Everyone here’s been kind. I’m happy being me.

I saw something last year on youtube where someone imported new ones from Japan, so I wondered if they would come out elsewhere.


Fully understandable, it’s not easy trying to find those people you really connect with and can relate too, at least in the real world.

Hope you find all the love you can handle and people who appreciate you outside and beyond this digital world… not that you aren’t loved and appreciated here as well.

Anyways… :dracthyr_heart:



But the true Emergency food character will always be Menchi


If you look at the building blocks of these things, it’s easier to generalize these issues as majority vs minority or through an in-group vs out-group perspective.

Humans usually tend to attribute positive characteristics to those they perceive within their in-group. This makes sense because we’re designed for social connection and want to belong. And this doesn’t just have to be something macro like race/sexuality. It can even exist in more minute groupings. E.g. pve vs pvp, or people fighting over sports teams or pizza.

So it’s a bit of a catch-22 cause identities help us to form connections and socialize, but at the same time it can be divisive once people start to attribute positive/negative traits to entire groups/identities AND become polarized and combative over it. E.g. “you don’t belong to my group so by default you’re a bad person or someone not worth my consideration.” Then once a history of slights begins, it goes downhill from there. Hence a whole history of wars and conflicts through human civilization. Granted, some of these negative traits are important to ensure society is safe. But in some other cases, it causes unnecessary conflicts and division.

I find the best way to go about this is to try to remember to focus on the individual and shared experiences. Because if you think about it, people have different experiences, but we all share the same emotions of remembering a time when we laughed, cried, loved etc…

Which is inline with this:

A lot of this is realizing that people are multi-dimensional, and challenging the brain to start thinking that way. It’s not easy and I know I fall into the hardwiring. But I think just trying and at least questioning things.

However I would also say there needs to be some balance of allowing people to enjoy their in-group so they can have the social and psychological safety and learning to be more tolerant of out-groups. I think removing these things causes more unrest. Which then goes into the whole issue with how current social media algorithms is kinda causing a lot of disruption because all these different groups are colliding with each other like asteroids.

Ugh idk what’s going on with me today. I have a 3 day weekend and been in writing mode :sob:


I remember than back in the late 90’s. Brings back days of being in primary school for me.


Oh, I’ve at least played Genshin long enough to get to that. Just Menchi in Excel Saga was the first time I ran into an emergency food character


Would you recommend Excel Saga? I watch very little in the way of anime anymore, but a partner talked this up a lot before the English dub, but I never bought it and we had had a falling out by when it came out. Everything was so dang expensive from RightStuf that I couldn’t get everything back then.


I never really heard of Menchi though.