LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)


Thank you. :blush:


Time to take another break from the forums.

The amount of people defending blizzard mocking and taking shots at PvE players today with their “joke” is too much to deal with.


Sometimes it might be a personality thing. Like for me I only enjoy PvP if it’s with friends because it kinda serves as a team/bonding moment rather than just PvP for the sake of it. This is why the last time I enjoyed it was back when I was active in a guild.

Other than that the last time I PvP in WoW was to get the What a strange long trip it’s been achievement for the Winter gnome thing, and then Alterac Ram. I think if I was really bored I would’ve played Plunderstorm but I’m obsessed with GW2 rn. I gotto try out their WvW but I’m not sure how to even start :sob:


Nah Plunderstorm pvp is objectively infuriating. I consider myself pretty patient, I’ve never in my life screamed or truly raged over a video game but by N’zoth it’s really really damn annoying to win a fight in plunderstorm and some chump comes in and third parties you. OR you’re locked in a never ending battle of running and chasing because of the movement abilities in the mode that is never really worth it.


to celebrate the anniversary of the original thread;

Eddie Betts

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Plunderlord Fuzzbutt is done.


Love it, you did a great job. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


Thank you! :slight_smile:


That’s too cool, there are some old faces and legends in the first thread in the first handful of posts. It was always a welcoming thread.

Also, hi to everyone that doesn’t know me. I’m a transperson originally from Afghanistan
and I’m happy to see this thread is still going.

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It’s almost time for a 20th hunk to join Queen Judge Rita Beana Gordita Lemon LaRoux Wrynn’s hunk harem!! This one is also a night elf (unsurprisingly) and he is a monk (Thanks Nui for inspiring me to give it another try). His name is “Hunk” to celebrate the occasion. A delightful young man of 150, he likes to pick flowers and give them to Rita every sunset. Rita’s children, (Wild and the other 15), and grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren (no great grandchildren unfortunately, all the grandchildren are doing unjustifiable crimes) just found out about him.

They say Rita’s getting a bit ambitious with her harem. But her advanced age of 105 isn’t going to hold her back!! Of course, I’m rooting for her. Backstory ideas for Hunk would be greatly appreciated.

“I’m so excited to join the hunk harem! Finally, a gnome to call home!” - Hunk


All this while trying to pretend to be someone different while posting from a character where the last part of the name involves racism…

Yeah, we’ve all see right through you…


This is disturbing and disgusting. I hope you have a great day.

Oh is that why you took out the T when you would say “LGB” on your other toon?


Oh, that’s no good… why is it always so “in fashion” for people to drop the T (and no, not the one we all shudder when hearing about)?


Because a number of transphobes don’t want to be seen as bigots(fun fact, very few bigots self identify as such.)

So they try to pretend that they’re “allies” of Gay and Lesbian people. It’s laughable and transparent but some bad faith actors in online spaces keep giving these “LGB” groups free clout. Most of these groups have a token middle aged upper class Lesbian and are otherwise entirely made up of cis straight people of a certain political leaning.


So I finished GW2 Living World Season 1 and ooooof it’s actually really good? Like the difficulty spike was definitely an adjustment, but once that was done it’s actually been so fun to experience the story, cut scenes, checking out the additional dialogue, and flipping and dodging the combat mechanics.

Also at first I was like “who are all these weird new characters” but after everything went down I love the cast :sob:


Oh, I love the voice narration within Gw2.

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Also I don’t wanna give spoilers but there’s such good lgbtq+ representation I feel? There’s interesting character personalities and quirks and the relationships feel genuine.


Amazing game. Wish more were like it.