LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

This is… going hard now. I’m not usually an advocate of shutdown, but we might need a templock to clean up.


They have a baseline level disdain for the community that they’ve largely parroted from alt-right YouTubers, but they aren’t clever enough to manifest those beliefs beyond low-effort antagonism. You can’t explore any deeper than that, they have nothing going on beneath the surface. They’re superficial, one-note trolls with nothing going for them.

It’s reprehensible, but they aren’t here in good faith and won’t be moved over by appeals to humanity. It’s the lowest common denominator of bigotry, and as Gravedancer pointed out, there are better things to focus on. That’s all I mean.


TFW they realize they spent all day in an LGBT thread.

That’s like hating donuts and spending all day inside Krispy Kreme.


Use you ignire feature and flag

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I want to visit a Krispy Kreme now…

Sadly capped on the minesweeper button (ha) but doing my best to ignore as well.


Eventually a moderator will rise from their tomb and do their thing. Eventually.


looks at Tyr’s Fall

Nope, still nothin’…

Alright now that that’s over with… anyone got any plans for today? I am gonna work on my silicone mold making later to see about making a good mold for the nose cast along with resin casts for some teeth.

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Dungeoning. Hopefully.

Oh and of course more time in the beautiful Dream.


That mkes me wanna see images once you have it done

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Once we get in for the day seeing what the dailies look like in Emrerald and if I wanna bother. If not working mroe on my herbalisim and alchemy.


OH I never did post the completed wolf head in here. One sec.


DO IT! DO IT! It rocks as is so DO IT!



I am loving this the more I see it :slight_smile:

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That reminds me, I worked on getting some knowledge points on Tailoring yesterday… and that dang thread puzzle in Al’gethar? BRAIN HURTY.


I’m gonna clean up a little bit of the hair / fix some aspects of the cheeks and hair. I feel as though the bend of the lips are too much so I’m going to pull it up forward some and fix that along with giving it a hair trim on the ears.

Oh no lol

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I was able to breeze through all but the second-last one… and oh god that one has a stupidly obscure solution.


Brain just reminded me “Ya know. If you’re going the route that Rosenivy gets their memories of shadowlands. You could probably go the Vergil is back route”

Me: That’s so predictable BUT LETS DO IT

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