LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I want to say it’s folks born with characteristics of both genders

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Random thought, if that’s supposed to be the Omega pride flag, the cover everyone thing

Why are all the colors solid bars?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the colors like flow into each other smoothly or something cuz most sexuality stuff is a spectrum matter all


I think it looks ok.

The thing about it is you aren’t obligated to use that version if you don’t want to - It’s just a nice option since we are a vast community.

I personally prefer just the regular rainbow flag with the pink strip, because it is the OG, I am a gay man, and I also just like rainbows.

Follow up is the rainbow with the trans/Black/Brown triangles. This is the version I made of flowers in Animal crossing :smiley:


What does the Q mean? I never understood the difference on that one from the other letters.

it stands for queer, which is meant to be sort of a catch-all for all the other sexualities and gender identities that don’t fall under the standard LGBT umbrella


Ah ok, so its not one specific term for one group of people indentifying as queer. But rather a collective term for multiple people. Gotcha. Thanks.

“I have heard that the Q also means Questioning. For those who are not sure yet.”

I don’t feel like that circle fits to be honest. It might have just been better to have been another band or stripe.

The more I look at it, the more I think it is a fish eye or something.

Wow… that… just hurts the eyes to look at. Who thought this was a good idea?

It seriously looks like someone was handed a box of crayons, a ruler, and told to use all of them.

The colors don’t even flow into each other… they glare in stark contrast to each other. There appears to be no rationale behind why the colors are angrily opposing each other either.

Now that we have answered the “What is the new Pride Flag?” we need to answer the “Why is this wretched eyesore even a thing?” (meaning the flag not Pride)
People hated the flag design (that this appears to have grown from) back in 2018 with numerous articles about how bad it looked then… and much like some game developers… they took a bad design and doubled down on it to make it even worse.

It reminds me of when someone says “Well it can’t get any worse.” and someone says “Oh yeah? Hold my beer.”


You know when you know a symbol is bad? When you need a legend to explain what everything on it means. It’s just too much…

Friendly reminder to people who are here to cause problems instead of vibe with us:


D2 release date is announced. Someone has a new game to get on the ps5


“When did the world forget how to laugh at themselves?”

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George Carlin would have had a field day on these people that can’t laugh. And the kicker is… people would think he could be cancelled… only to turn and see him holding a sign saying Cancel Carlin while tossing the one finger salute at them. Pretty much the same thing happened when people tried to cancel Eminem.

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“I have watched the World go from… ‘Life is fun, and Laughter is the Best Medicine.’… to… ‘How dare you embarrass me like that! I’m Gonna Cancel You!!!’ It breaks my heart, to be honest.”

Why are we talking about ‘canceling’? I said they weren’t funny.

“I thought it was very funny. I have enjoyed that show since it first aired. It’s just a matter of opinion.”

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Why do you find it not funny?

Furry pride owo

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One can only hope :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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