LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I always thought of him more as asexual tbh

Guy just wants to enjoy people’s stories and teas

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Hey, that’s also pretty good.

He’s just a good vampire thing. <3

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Dunno if he is, but I can guarantee he is one of my favorite villains so far in WoW. Not up there with Arthas imo, but close.


I want to try the new ratchet and clank game but it’s PlayStation exclusive and the new PlayStation doesn’t exist yet. :rage:

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I haven’t played that game series but I hope you can find one :frowning:

I miss Jak and Daxter

…And as someone who only owns a Switch I feel the pain of exclusives.


I grew up with Crash and Spyro, those were some of the best series I’ve ever played. Even when they turned Spyro into lord of the rings, it was great.

I had a friend who was really into ratchet and clank. I’ve never played it before but it’s pretty similar genre-wise to Spyro, it was even made by the same dev company from way back.

The characters are all cute and deadly and I wanted to try it :3

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I’m going to go level now.

Have fun baiting the trolls.


Are you leveling the new alt?

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No my roommate decided to level.


Ah Bloodsail Buccaneers had a pride parade last night. It was glorious.


Oh games of child hood.

I was mostly Nintendo stuff. Mario, Zelda, that kind of thing. Little bit of PS2 but not a lot…

Spyro I never did play but I should get the remakes.

I also want RE8 but thats a far departure from the other games mentioned lolol


I used to go to my friend’s house to play sonic lol. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

These days sonic is kinda… different.

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But also I would love a Sonic Adventure 2 port on to Switch…


I haven’t checked on them in years…


I grew up playing Champions of Norrath. >:D


Oh I miss having a chao garden. I was hoping for a sonic adventure 3. I want new chao and a modern chao garden : /


I vaguely recall playing sonic heroes on the Playstation. I’d always pick team shadow and my buddy’s favorite was team chaotic. I couldn’t play the bunny rose team, I’d always laugh too hard at Big’s impeccable voice acting.

Like this one time I was crossing a bridge and then stopped abruptly shortly after running into a tutorial / hint mark. Big takes a nose dive off the bridge while saying something like “this area’s pretty steep, so be careful not to fall.”

good times.

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Big the Cat concerns me

I do not trust him

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My brother wouldn’t let me use his systems but I remember watching wide eyed as he played Zelda a Link to the Past.

I think the first real game I picked up and played was WC Orcs And Humans.

Oh Sonic Heroes.

See I liked being able to play Cream. You could get her by herself and when she attacks shes like “CHEESE GET THEM!” and the little chao runs out and attacks. Was cute.

Otherwise, Team Shadow was the best Rouge is an icon.

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Here’s a screenshot of the Bloodsail Buccaneers pride parade.

I don’t know why it is not loading. There it goes.