LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“Im not mad at all” - The angriest guy here


Nope, but it seems you want to think that.

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It’s ok man

Just walk away from the computer and take a breather, you’ll calm down soon enough

People different than you exist, you’ll just have to get used to it


Less muscular mesh options for male bodies, please. Bookish orcs. Nerdy undead. Draenei with bad posture.


“Reading Spectacles, Pocket Protectors, and Mopeds!!!”


Is it moped racing time already?


It’s actually against the COC to insult members of the LGBTQ simply because its “your opinion”

" Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual/romantic orientation or gender identity/expression (male, female, trans-gender, bi-gender, pangender, genderfluid, agender or any non-binary identity not listed) pertaining to themselves or other players"

“Yeah. We cleared out the Mall, and the race starts at midnight.”

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Welcome back. You were missed.


Some advice for you:


I’m not insulting anyone, I just gave my opinion. The author said they didn’t want politics shoved down there throats and I said we also don’t want LGBTQ shoved down ours either.
I never insulting anyone on Gender, Race etc. I just gave my opinion just like you.


I’m pretty sure that the author said nothing of the sort.

They said complaining about pOliTiCs and LGBTQIA+ people existing at all being sHoVeD dOwN tHrOaTs were not appropriate subject matter for this thread.

I’m sorry my existence as a trans person hurts your fragile feefees and makes you feel like you have something in your throat but sometimes you need to take your medicine.

I exist and my existence is valid.

Transwomen are women.
Transmen are men.
Trans rights are human rights.
LGBTQIA+ characters belong in the Warcraft Universe.

Get over it.

As for everyone else: Report the troll.


People always say this and yet choose to open these threads, and choose to comment. You made a choice to be here. Nothing is being “shoved” at you, you are actively engaging with it.

You’ve also left 12 posts in this thread. You are doing more than engaging, you are participating. If you don’t like it, why don’t you leave?


I always find it hilarious when people complain about LGBTQIA+ being sHoVeD dOwN people’s tHrOaTs just for existing when we LGBTQIA+ people face a constant bombardment of cisgender heterosexuality everywhere we look, even in wow with all the cishet characters and romance in game. We were forced to help Thrall with his wedding if we wanted a nice cloak. We were forced to level through the cringe Tyrande and Malfurion zone in Legion to get capped. But oh noes, one gay character exists and suddenly it’s sHoViNg iT dOwN oUr ThRoAtS.


:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: It’s 100% true.

But they seemed to leave. They’ve opened their account twice since I responded to them and not commented back so I think they got the point.

The point is knowing that LGBTQ people exist without throwing a fit or making an unnecessary remark. :heart:

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Someone is typing a novel. I feel like I should get out my bingo card.


I mean, the dude basically spewed anti-trans talking points and told me I don’t deserve basic human respect because that’s earned then unironically in the same post was telling me how I should automatically afford respect to people who are bigots.

All while trying to tone police me.

No sir, I ain’t having it.

That badly written novel is a troll post full of dogwhistles.


The fact you actually went through it all and showed how (obviously) wrong they were is just excellent though

Most of my responses just summarize into

I just can’t be arsed to actually explain things to them anymore cuz they’re just too inbre… Willfully ignorant


I’m gonna share a snippet of something I wrote for a class about my Transgender experience. It was written to call out students who were slurring me behind my back unaware that I could hear them from across the room. They had to read it because the whole class had to read everything everyone else wrote.

All my life, there have been few constants. I have never fit in, I have always been awkward and I have always suffered from depression.

I was not all that into “girl” things, even though I did some. Toys for boys such as Transformers were cooler than dolls. I would choose comic books like X-Men over Teen Vogue. I could tell you more about Hal Jordan than Britney Spears.

In 1994, I was accused of being a butch lesbian, which was a horrifying insult for a preteen girl in the 90s.

I took steps to present as female. I did my nails and tried makeup. I started to hate my body, my looks and relied on self-deprecating humor to cope.

I did not fit, so I assumed that I was just a late bloomer, an ugly duckling. I figured I would eventually bloom into a confident woman.

Flash forward fifteen years, I am going to college for the first time. I am still awkward and I still hate my body even though I have a bigger chest and curves.

My depression is now severe and mutated into anxiety and social anxiety. Even in my thirties, I still feel like an awkward ugly duck, though people try to tell me otherwise.

Why do I still not fit? Will I ever fit? Will I always be strange? Be different?

About two years ago, I peered at myself in the medicine cabinet mirror after a shower. My hair slicked back, I slouched. I could not see chest at all. I seemed flat, I liked what I saw and I cried.

I did not cry because I am not high school skinny and flat. I cried because I saw myself as a guy and I liked what I saw. Was I born wrong?

I have a good relationship with my father so I told him I thought I might be transgender. He said I was just a feminist that was sick of the world’s crap. It made no sense to me but I shrugged the experience off and got on with life.

I learned by accident that a long time gaming friend was secretly a transman. He seemed like a normal young guy in video chat.

He was terrified I would reject him. I didn’t and it changed absolutely nothing about our friendship.

This prompted me to really research the subject and question myself. After reading number scientific theories, therapy and a diagnosis of gender dysphoria I have accepted the idea that yes, I am transgendered.

For the first time in my life, things make sense. I bought my first chest binder. It looks like a muscle shirt and feels like a big hug.

Most importantly, I have stopped trying to be someone I am not.

I do not pass as male and it may be years before I transition, but the binder helps me feel better. I refuse to cut my long hair because long hair does not and should not invalidate my identity.

It hurts that while people see me, they do not see the real me. It hurts slightly when people who know I am trans use the wrong pronouns, though I think it is out of habit and not malicious. I know it hurts others far more.

In the end I’m just being me and I simply shake off the cruel remarks I overhear from others.


Gonna be using this often. Thanks. :+1: