LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You’re like the 40th person to ask. Scroll up.

No never. Sounds rude.

Thats good. I hope everyone else will be ok. For real, thats horrible :frowning: Problems that need to be addressed…

Let kids be kids.

Step dad was not among the casualties today.


Well I’m glad that’s one less death. Heavy stuff tho


I saw a thing on twitter about the upcoming Rugrats revival (Didn’t know that was a thing) and I guess Betty (Phil and Lil’s mom) is going to be a lesbian and people were getting very mad over it and I’m just like

…Did y’all watch the original show? I’m pretty sure she always was one they just couldn’t say it…

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“I don’t like this thread! So I am going to comment in it, bumping it to the top and keeping it going!” lol


Oh, wow. I don’t think I’ve ever posted in here.

Flops in.

“AH’M GAY!” :panda_face: :rainbow:

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They made it not to be a MEgaSunday thread but so that there wouldn’t be the spamming of other like threads . I’m conservative as they come and I am fine with people of the LGBT+ community having a thread they can call their own . They don’t need trolls coming in here trying to stir the pot.


I have some good news that I wanted to share here as well. I get to take my next step in my transition, it is a small one but just upping the dose on my medication.


I always got the vibe that she was just married to a dude to hide in the closet. I mean it was the 90s, no way she could get married to a woman

Right on


I always saw you as one of the “Good” conservatives. The way they’re actually supposed to be. Not the horrendous version we all know.

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Oh Howard I think was gay as well. There were some pretty “Getting this past the radar” references.

If anything, I am shocked they went with her. They could have kept her the outspoken feminist, and made Howard gay? Either way it makes me laugh lol

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That is awesome! Loving this for you <3 <3 <3 <3

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Eh writing feminist characters is tricky in this climate. I like how Bojack Horseman did it. Diane has her a little preachy moments but the show didn’t have that be her one character trait.

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Funny thing is the ones you see are really the minority . They are just loud so that is why they get noticed more .

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Yeah I get ya. It’s the same for us on the left. I swear some of the mega sjws make me go “Okay ya’ll crazy even for me”

I’m aware I’m progressive but I guess sometimes I’m a centrist on things. The clinical depression keeps me grounded lol. Sometimes my brain is just “Yo that’s too much energy to care about, go focus on this instead” and it’s oddly helpful

Edit: btw you gonna see Rammstein when they come to the states? I think they’ll be in LA. I may love them but I’m just not gonna risk it with covid even if it’s a year or so away. Especially in LA where it was a super hot spot for the virus last year.


Welcome my fellow gay. :rainbow:


You guys are cool :). I been reading and lurking in here!


Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a :sparkles: :rainbow: Stunning and Brave :boom: :rainbow_flag: day~

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