LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

You have No Right telling me or others what i can or can not find cute. The sooner you leave the better off this tread will be. we dont want or need you here ruining our fun or inserting yourself into our conversations. you sayed you where leaving then be gone with you and dont come back.


Anybody who cries 'cause you dare talk about “gay stuff” is just dumb, and I guarantee you the GD Lounge Megathread (at least the regulars there) will have your back.

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That you don’t believe has a right to exist. You love to point at other people’s hypocrisy, but don’t seem to like it when people point out yours.

…Bit of a euphemism, don’t you think? You have most people here on ignore. To the point where it’s basically impossible for you to actually participate in the thread without unhiding people’s posts.

Oooh… I see what’s going on. Sometimes people spend too much time in X-rated spaces and sorta lose touch with the reality of the nature of the words they use, and then wander back into a family-friendly space and start saying a bunch of vulgar things without any self-awareness of what they’re doing.

Yeah I can clear that up real quick. The word butt isn’t vulgar. Your friend’s name is two words, not just any two words but two words that are often combined in a lewd fashion. It’s one of those phrases that sounds like it comes from sensual adult media. Fuzzbutt’s name lacks any such popular connotation. It always sounded like a silly pet name to me. (I mean that in a positive fashion. :stuck_out_tongue: )


I didn’t say what you can and cannot find cute.

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Cyndi is straight and cis–she has a better chance at being welcomed than those of us who aren’t.

And no, everybody is NOT welcomed. Don’t gaslight us and tell us homophobia and transphobia don’t exist on this forum because they do. Blizz is aware of it, and that’s why they let us have this thread.

I really hope this isn’t some warped attempt to recruit posters for this other thread of yours, because if so, you’re doing a crap job of representing it. If people who behave like you are in it, I don’t want to post there.


This has a very negative vibe coming from someone who regularly doesn’t have our back. Like I really do want to believe this, but the person saying it is giving me pause.


Well since I’m on an alt now I know you can see it and you can say why are you even still here and on top of that why are you acting how you are and then acting like you are some type of representation for people in the so called General Discussion thread because if you are trying to sell it you are doing an absolutely awful job of how supposedly friendly people are in that thread because you aren’t friendly at all just drama nonstop drama.


The difference is wanting to hang out with other gay and/or trans people who go through the same struggles. Do you go into gay bars and gay student groups and whine that they should stop what they’re doing?

Stop trying to force minorities to assimilate. And I don’t believe that the other thread is welcoming if someone like you is in it. I’ve seen you go on vendettas over the most ludicrous nonsense–and not just on the naming issue.

A little while back you were repeatedly proclaiming that anyone who disagreed with you on the issue of euthanasia was EVIL. You attacked a person talking about their leukemia and chemo treatments for wanting to end the suffering. You didn’t voice ONE word of sympathy toward them, just attacked them. And if anyone did show sympathy toward him or people like him, you called them MURDERERS.

A TON of people here and elsewhere have called you out, REPEATEDLY. But according to you, they’re ALL somehow “lying” or “bullies”. Sorry, but the problem is YOU. It really is you.


A friend mentioned to me that this thread was getting dramatic and I’ve never honestly been here, so I poked in to see what happened.

I purposely never came here, because I wanted to be respectful and not intrude into things I may not belong to or may not fully understand, because I’m not in their shoes. I respect this thread, its existence and those within. I wish others would learn the same.


Thank you Thallia.


Appreciate it, sister.


Kinda funny a T showed up to like their posts

Not sus at all


Enjoy this duck that is treated like a princess. The little ducky shoes are the best


Where’s that sfm of soldier and medic drinking coffee?

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So can we talk about something else? Perhaps potatoes. Potatoes is good.


Au gratin only.


Toughs potato wedges look really good


I was just about to post about my dinner in the works- chicken fried chicken, cream gravy, rolls, twice baked potatoes.


Honestly craving some cheese wedges


Tater tots are the best fried potato. Don’t @ me